Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Definition of Meditation

We think of a 10.000- year-old stone statue as a stone statue, forgetting that it is only a rock hewn from another rock, and that it will eventually be eroded into dust. We know this if we are drawn to think about it, into our habit of perceiving such things as absolute unchanging object. Like wise, we see a persona’s attractive, or we experience ice cream as delicious. But surely, if these qualities were inherent within those things, everyone would experience them in the same way, which of course they do not. The well-known saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” illustrates this concept and illustrated the definition of meditation well.

The on going awareness that things are both forever changing and ultimately interlinked with all other things is the ‘reality’ that eludes us. We experience fleeting moments of awakening, but when it really matters, we fall back into our habitually limited way of perceiving things. We can take our own experiences as example: when someone annoys us, we react angrily because they are annoying somebody else. And is it really that annoying anyway? Think how much more pleasant it would be if we could maintain a broader overview of our actions and reactions towards other

Now, as you get slightly annoyed with me and immediately say to yourself “I would never react like that,” admit to yourself that you have reacted like that and know that we can all only benefit from a consistently more objective and present mind.

Now, you should have started to understand the definition of meditation.

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