Monday, November 26, 2007

Sambong – Herbal Medicine for Kidney Stones

Sambong is a remarkable medicinal plant that is commonly found in the Philippines, from Luzon to Mindanao. It usually grows in open grasslands.

Sambong are half-woody plant with soft hairs on its leaves. It has a strong aromatic smell and grows up to 3 centimeters in diameter.

Sambong is known for its remarkable treatment for kidney stones or nephrolithiases, urolithiases, a diuretic and other diseases. It can also be used for heart diseases and hypertension. Leaves of sambong can be infused and used as a substitute for tea and also used for colds. It is also high in essential oils and contains considerable amounts of camphor oil.

Sambong is commonly used in the Philippines and it is actually one of the top 10 medicinal herbs that have been approved by the Department of Health. Sambong products are now available tablet form in the Philippines.

When I have a kidney stone before, my doctors prescribed me this sambong forte. And I can say that it’s effective. My grandma told me to boil the leaves and drink it because it’s far more effective than the tablet form. But I can’t take it and every time I try to drink the infusion, I vomit because of the taste and I don’t like the smell, so I opt to drinking the tablet form.

Of course, drinking this medicinal herb alone can’t help you cure your illness. You need proper diet and self discipline to be successful in treating your ill health.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Lagundi - Herbal Medicine from the Philippines

Lagundi is a medicinal plant, actually a shrub that grows in the Philippines. Its scientific name is Vitex Negundo and comes from the family of Verbenaceae.

This medicinal plant normally grows wild in many places or along watercourses and other humid spaces and mixed open forest like Mt. Banahaw in the Philippines.
You can usually see it as a small tree about 8 meters tall with a pale reddish brown bark. Lagundi's distinctive features are the pointed leaves with five leaflets set like a hand.

The parts of this plant that is widely used are the leaves and the flowering tops. The roots along with the leaves of lagundi are used for pain, expectorant and also a diuretic. Also, the root is used in a great variety of diseases: dyspepsia, colic, rheumatism, worms, boils, and leprosy. In Indo-China a decoction of the root is prescribed for intermittent fevers (30 grams of roots in 1 liter of water). The saps from the crushed leaves are used for colds and sore throat. Leaf decoction of lagundi are used for wounds, ulcers, treat gastric colic, flatulence and it can also help those lactating mothers to produce more milk for their babies. The seeds are boiled and eaten to prevent the spread of toxins from the poisonous bites of animals. The flowers are used for diarrhea, cholera and liver disorders.

In the Philippines, it is now promoted and endorsed by the Philippine Department of Health as an effective herbal medicine with proven therapeutic value. It has been clinically tested and studied to be effective for colds, flu, asthma and chronic bronchitis. It is now available on capsule and syrup form because before, you have to boil it and take it orally. But I guess the natural decoction of this herbal medicine is better than its new form.

Green Tea: Weight Loss Supplement

A penny for your thoughts. A pill for your fats. Who here wouldn’t love a pill to melt away their fats?

Although weight loss supplements are not likely to work miracles, dieticians and weight-loss experts alike agree that most weight loss supplements greatly helps the dieter in his continuing battle for curves and muscles. Of the three commonly used weight loss supplements in the market today, green tea extract seems the most promising. (The other two weight loss supplements are protein and ephedra.)

Green tea is the common name for Camellia sinensis, a plant cultivated by the Ancient Chinese as a remedy for headaches, indigestion, and depression. In recent studies, it was found that green tea can be a potential cure for cancer and several other major diseases as well.

However, the merits of green tea is not only restricted to medicine. It has been found that certain properties found in green tea makes it an excellent organic alternative to weight loss supplements.

The use of green tea extract in weigh loss supplements was spurred by the recently concluded study by American and Swiss scientists at the University of Geneva. Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, their study showed that green tea has a lot of antioxidants that can cause an increase in energy expenditure of the body. This led them to surmise that green tea extract can become a potential weight loss supplement.

Green tea weight loss supplements contain both caffeine and the chemical epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). When these two substances in green tea react to each other, metabolism rates increase along with the body’s 24-hour energy expenditure. Green tea’s EGCG also triggers the release of the hormone noradrenaline, an appetite-suppressant.

Green tea weight loss supplements can boost the body’s metabolic rates, thereby increasing the rate by which fat and calories are burned. Green tea weight loss supplements can also stimulate the body into burning fats faster, leading to more fats being turned into energy. According to a recent study published in Phytomedicine, a journal on the health benefits of plants, people who take in green tea extract as weight loss supplement ideally lose about two-and-a-half pounds a month.

Green tea weight loss supplements come in standardized tablets or capsule forms. For best results, choose a green tea weight loss supplement that contains ninety milligrams of EGCG and fifty milligrams of caffeine. Green tea weight loss supplement is normally taken three times a day before meals. Even though green tea weight loss supplements have no adverse side-effects, it is still advisable to consult medical advice before taking them.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Green Tea Weight Loss Pill

People have always been known to want to do and achieve things instantly. The same thing can be said in diets and weight loss. Impatience usually leads a dieter to resort to taking supplements or weight loss pills to try to get rid of those fats faster.

But recent controversies on the use of diet and weight loss pills have made several people hesitate at using them. Several weight loss pills are based on certain substances, like ephedra, that may be harmful for the body. This is why researchers are trying to come up with other potential resources to make weight loss pills that are safer to use.

A study conducted at the University of Geneva was recently published and it concerned itself with the weight loss benefits of green tea extract. It said that green tea has certain antioxidants in them like catechin polyphenols and flavonoids that help in increasing metabolic rates of the body. The publication of the study’s results prompted several pharmaceutical companies to incorporate green tea extract into their weight loss pills.

Green Tea, the Plant

Green tea is the common name for the herb Carmellia sinensis. The green tea plant came from China originally where it was cultivated specifically for its various health and medicinal benefits. Today, green tea is known to possess certain substances that can cure several diseases such as cancer, arthritis, and even ulcers. Because of its thermogenic properties, pharmaceutical companies are also using extracts of the green tea plant as one of the main ingredients in weight loss pills.

Green Tea, the Weight Loss Pill

The theory of weight loss pills is based on the fact that losing weight is done in two ways: retard fat intake or expedite its burning. Weight loss pills are known to do both these things.

Ingredients in weight loss pills such as Hoodia Gordonii can suppress hunger and stop food cravings. Another important ingredient in weight loss pills is glucosamine which can delay the effect of insulin, thus directly transforming sugar into energy instead of fat. Other components of a typical weight loss pill include cocoa extract (a diuretic), citrus fiber, vanadium, and glucomannan, all of which have anti-hunger properties.

The addition of green tea extract into weight loss pills has become common practice among pharmaceutical companies. Like cocoa extract, green tea is also an effective natural diuretic. Green tea can help rid the body of extra water that contributes to bloat and puffiness of the body.

But aside from being a diuretic, green tea is also a major contributor to fat-burning. The catechin polyphenols found in green tea effectively increases the metabolic rates of the body and also reduce food intake. Green tea also contains the substance flavanoid that fight free radicals that might be harmful for the body.
Because of these properties, green tea therefore makes for an excellent and healthy component of weight loss pills.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Green Tea Weight Loss Patch

In the mood for a sticky diet?

The hysteria on low carb diet has brought the onset of several dieting products that are based on low carb approaches. One of the newest products to hit the dieting market are weight loss patches.

Inspired by the success of nicotine patches marketers struck on the idea that weight loss patches may work the same way. Weight loss patches are basically designed for people who forget to take their regular dosage of weight loss supplements or capsules. With weight loss patches, a person will no longer need to take pills as he will have a 24-hour supply of weight loss substance stuck to his skin.

Weight loss patches are commonly made from such ingredients as algae and seaweed which are known appetite-suppressants. Later studies on weight loss and diets led to the use of green tea as a weight loss patch.

Green Tea as Weight Loss Patches

As far back as the Ming dynasty and perhaps even earlier than that, green tea has been used as herbal remedy and overall health drink in China. In recent times, speculations on the use of green tea as a possible remedy for cancer have arisen due to the discovery that the polyphenol substance found in green tea can stop cancer cells from growing.

The polyphenols in green tea weight loss patches also have other uses. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that green tea polyphenols can speed up the metabolic rate of the body. With this recent discovery, several companies specializing in pharmaceutical products have started introducing green tea into the market as a supplement either in the form of diet pills or weight loss patches.

Green tea weight loss patches are a better alternative to other products since they have no adverse side-effects. Other substances that induce weight loss like ephedra may increase heart rates which could lead to cardiovascular complications.

Green tea weight loss patches are good for people with high LDL, the bad cholesterol found in the body. Because the antioxidants in green tea weight loss patches destroy LDL cholesterols while at the same time enhancing the good cholesterol levels in the body, a balance in the body is achieved which could only lead to overall good health and well-being.

Green tea weight loss patches works in two ways. First, they suppress appetite naturally and safely. A study at the University of Chicago showed that rats when injected with green tea can lose up to 21% of their bodyweight. This is due to the fact that a substance present in green tea acts as a natural appetite-suppressant that staves off hunger.

Green tea weight loss patches also increase metabolism. With their high epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) content, green tea weight loss patches have a distinct advantage over stimulant diet drugs which can be harmful to individuals with hypertension and heart complications.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Green Tea Extract and Weight Loss

Green tea has always been known to have several health benefits, but who knew that it could contribute to weight loss as well?

A recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition show that green tea extract can increase metabolism and fat oxidation of the body. In theory, scientists believe that the weight loss benefits of green tea extracts are due to their caffeine content but the results of the study show otherwise as they discovered that green tea extracts have weight loss benefits beyond that of caffeine.

In their study, the researchers administered alone the same amount of caffeine as that in green tea extracts but found that it did not make any significant changes in the body’s overall energy expenditure. This led them to conclude that green tea extracts have ingredients in them that actively interact with each other, promoting increased metabolism and fat oxidation that lead to weight loss.

Further findings indicated that a certain compound found in green tea extracts might be the ingredient that causes weight loss. These green tea extract compounds called Flavonoids may alter the way the body uses norepinephrine, a hormone that monitors how calories are burned. When flavonoids interact with other green tea extract ingredients, more calories are burned thus contributing to weight loss.

Another ingredient that actively contributes to the weight loss benefits of green tea extracts is the compound catechin polyphenols. These compounds also interact with other green tea extract ingredients in order to promote weight loss by fat burning and thermogenesis (a process of losing energy by daytime heat).

The great thing about the weight loss benefit of green tea extracts is that it does not have any adverse side-effects. Unlike other herbal products like ephedra and prescription drugs for obesity, green tea extract does not increase the speed of heart rates or raise blood pressure. In this regard, green tea extract is an effective and safer alternative to other weight loss products which may cause harm to the user.

The study conducted by the University of Geneva on the weight loss benefit of green tea extract implicated that green tea extract can also help thyroid patients. According to dietitian Lynn Moss, M.S., R.D., green tea extract is a healthier choice for people with thyroid who may be too sensitive to stimulants. Green tea extract can promote weight loss by increasing metabolism without over stimulating the adrenal glands.

A common beverage all throughout Asia, green tea has recently gained popularity in the West. Further researches were conducted to identify other health benefits of green tea extracts aside from weight loss. It was found that certain green tea extract compounds can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and even ulcers.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Chinese Green Tea for Weight Loss

For most people, the Chinese green tea is a stuff of legends. Chinese green tea has been known to be very beneficial to human health. For thousands of years, Chinese green tea has been talked about and written about because of its countless positive effects.

According to legend, the first person to ever taste Chinese green tea was the Emperor Shen Nung in 2737 B.C. It was said that while boiling some water for drinking, some leaves fell into his pot from a tree nearby. Chinese green tea leaves when boiled smelled and tasted so wonderful that Shen Nung even urged his people to drink it. The fame of the Chinese green tea did not stay at one place for long. It is believed that in A.D. 800, Chinese green tea was brought to Japan by monks who studied Buddhism in China.

What makes Chinese green tea different from all other teas?

Chinese green tea is produced from Camellia sinensis, the same plant where the oolong and black tea are derived. Yet, even though they all come from the same herb, the Chinese green tea truly stands out as an exceptional health drink. So what makes Chinese green tea different?

The difference lies in the method by which Chinese green tea is produced. Oolong and black tea leaves are traditionally oxidized and then dried while the Chinese green tea leaves are steamed and then dried. This method of producing Chinese green tea actually preserves most of the beneficial antioxidants present in it.

Chinese Green Tea for Health

While it is already common knowledge that Chinese green tea has several health benefits, modern scientists were able to provide several concrete proofs of the positive effects of Chinese green tea. Chinese green tea antioxidants are said to be the ones responsible for making the

Chinese green tea very beneficial.

Recent findings show that the antioxidants in Chinese green tea can reduce cholesterol levels in a person; can improve how blood vessels function; and can reduce blood lipids. It was also discovered that Chinese green tea can have an anti-inflammatory effects and may provide protection against cardiovascular diseases.

Chinese Green Tea for Weight Loss

Significant findings were made that pointed to the benefits of Chinese green tea in weight loss. According to the researchers of the University of Geneva, Chinese green tea has thermogenic properties which aid much in weight loss. In their study, they investigated the weight loss benefits of Chinese green tea by observing the interaction between the caffeine in Chinese green tea and a compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). When these two substances in Chinese green tea react, thermogenesis of the body increases by four percent. The tendency of Chinese green tea to enhance metabolic rates has given people reason to believe that Chinese green tea has weight loss benefits as well.

Another study concerning the weight loss benefits of Chinese green tea was also conducted. The results of the research showed that Chinese green tea drinkers have a better propensity for weight loss. Drinking Chinese green tea allows the body to burn an additional 70 calories a day, a feat that weight loss enthusiasts would relish.

Today, Chinese green tea is widely available as a beverage and as an ingredient for weight loss products.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Miracle Cup: The Health Benefits of Green Tea

How do you fit a miracle in a cup?

For 4,000 years, the Chinese people have been using green tea as treatment for everything from headaches to depression.

Today, studies are conducted in Asia and the west in order to produce hard evidence of the health benefits of green tea. In the 1994 edition of the Journal of National Cancer Institute, the results of an epidemiological study stated that one of the health benefits of drinking green tea is that it can reduce the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by up to 60%.

The rich presence of catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the reason why green tea has so much health benefits. A powerful antioxidant, EGCG can not only inhibit the growth of cancer cells but can also destroy them without harming healthy cells.

The University of Purdue has also concluded a research on how a certain compound present in green tea can stop cancer cells from growing. Still another health benefit of green tea is its ability to lower down cholesterol levels and improve the ratio between good (HDL) cholesterol and bad (LDL) cholesterol.

The EGCG in green tea is a health benefit substance that can lower down LDL cholesterol levels and stop blood from forming abnormal clots (thrombosis), a leading cause of heart attacks and strokes.

Green tea has more health benefits compared to other Chinese teas like oolong and black tea, all of which come from the plant Camellia sinensis. What makes green tea different is the process by which it is made. Green tea owes much of its health benefits to how the Camellia sinensis leaves are steamed. The steam process keeps the EGCG health benefit of green tea from oxidizing. With oolong and black teas, however, the leaves are fermented instead of being steamed, thus causing the EGCG health benefit to transform into another less medicinally potent form.

Aside from medicinal value, green tea can also offer other health benefits, especially in the fitness field. Drinking green tea can cause a person to burn down more calories. A recent study on the health benefits of green tea shows that the drink can help dieters. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 1999, men who take both caffeine and green tea burn down more calories than men who only take caffeine or a placebo.

Another health benefit of green tea is its bacteria-destroying properties. The health benefit of green tea in this area is that it can help prevent food poisoning and also prevent tooth decay. The substances found in green tea kill the bacteria causing food poisoning and those that cause dental plaque to form.

Well known for its countless medicinal and health benefits, green tea is nothing short of a miracle.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Alternatif Health Care: 7 Ways to energize you

  1. Eat 5 times a day in a small portion to maintain your glucose.
  2. Allow yourself to sleep 15 minutes after lunch. This will improve your consentration and maintain your spirit to work. Our brain maximize everything before and after sleep into our memory.
  3. Think about sex, this usually very powerful ways to burn your spirit.
  4. Get a glass of fresh orange juice in the middle of your hot day. THis will relief pressure to your body.
  5. Brush your teeth and drink a glass of cold water. The cold will wake your body system to be more alert.
  6. Enjoy masking and messaging your face and neck.
  7. Save a bottle of cold water with a special sprayer on it. When you feel tired, spray it to your face to eliminate the dry feeling.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Alternative Health Care: Daily Skin Care (part 1)

Your skin is not part of your body that you can forget about (like an appendix or a kidney), assuming that it will look after itself. It is a high-maintenance part of your body, which is sensitive to the slightest changes in your health, emotions and environment. You binge on chocolates and your face bocomes a mass of pimples; you don't get a good night's sleep and dark circles appear under your eyes; you're out in the sun a lot and you get burnt or develop freckles. The list is endless. So let's take a look at skin care regimes for different kinds on skin.

Dry Skin
Use a rich cream cleanser instead of soap and water. Avoid astringents, as they will further dry your skin. Instead, use a mild skin toner after cleansing your skin. Apply a good moisturizing lotion in the day, before sleeping, before applying make-up and after removing make-up.

Alternative Health Care for Dry Skin
Once a week, wash your face with the juice of melon. You can give yourself a weekly facial by mixing a yolk of an egg with two tablespoons of milk and half tablespoon of honey. Apply this on your face and leave it on for about fifteen minutes. Then wash with lukewarm water. If you're out in the sun a lot, milk mixed with melted butter helps soften the dry skin.
Lanolin, apple juice, peach juice, sour cream and crushed almonds are also helpful for dry skin.

Next post, I will write about oily skin and combination skin.

Alternative Health Care: Daily Skin Care (part 2)

Oily Skin
You may not believe it, but oily skin actually has some advantages. As a result of excess lubrication, wrinkles do not form prematurely and skin is not much affected by wind and sunlight. However, oily skin is a magnet for dirt and grime and thus a good and regular cleansing regime is a must. If oily skin is not cleaned thoroughly and regularly, the dirt will clog the pores in the skin and blackheads will appear. People with oily skin should wash their faces with medicated soap and water. The use of astringents is advised as they have a tightening and drying effect on the skin.

Alternative Health Care of Oily Skin
Buttermilk or beaten egg whites also have adrying and tightening effect. Parsley juice mixed with honey and a few drops of lemon or ginger is good for an oily skin. This mixture controls the secretion of oil. Fuller's earth (Multani mitti), oatmeal, almond paste, or lime juice or vinegar mixed with water are excellent cleansers. Steaming opens up the clogged pores and you can push out blackheads and whitheads and prevent pimples. Avoid rich fried foods and load up on green vegetables instead. Take two tablespoons of lecithin granules (a by-product of soybeans) daily. After washing your face, soak a towel in hot water and press it to your face. Repeat this process two or three times. Next, wet the towel in ice-cold water and repeat the process two or three times to close enlarged pores. Cucumber, parsley, cabbage, tomato, yoghurt and lemon are natural aids for an oily skin.

Combination skin
If you have an oily nose and forehead, but dry cheeks and chin, you will have to treat each area of your face separately depending on whether it is dry or oily.

Have a nice health care to your face :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Procrastination – The Worst Traitor of All!

When I’m alone and all by myself, I’m thinking of things that I should do and those things that I MUST do… thinking that certain things should be done. But when I’m about to do it, there’s something inside me that wasn’t able to make things up. So I always end up to thinking and thinking and thinking ‘til it’s over and I didn’t do the task I should do.

This thing is what we all know as the procrastination. It’s a traitor! A virus in oneself, no one can cure it except you. I’m so tired with this thing that kept things undone. And when it’s the end of the line, you can’t do anything more because you let the time passed by without doing anything.

I’m doing this article because I’d like to do the necessary. I want to share my experience to other people who are also experiencing this procrastination thing.

I’m the most chronic procrastinator I know. I’m always thinking of things but I don’t act to finish it. I’m stagnant to thinking and I don’t want that thing. My mind is empty, I hate it! So I want to change the worst me. I have this list of things written into my notebook. I list all the things that I must do and checked those that are done. And after I evaluate it, I’m happy that I finished something. I’m proud of myself and I feel complete.

There are things that you can do stop procrastinating things and so as to stop cramming when it’s deadline. You can have a list of things that you should do and you can promise to yourself that you can do it. It’s not always the deadline, there’s always a second chance. Although time already passed, you can still do things you want the next time.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Meditation's benefit (part 2)

From time to time we spontaneously experience a lucid with the present moment. These times are characterized by the complete melding of our mind with the reality of the present.
Being transfixed with a view such of the setting sun can be an unintended meditation for many people. There is also a specific technique for that.
It is also possible for adrenalin buzz resulting from sudden danger or thrill of other excitements to put us in a lucid states for short periods of time. But lucidity from this excitements reflects a hormonal 'high', which unfortunately must be balanced by an emotional low.
The attempt to prolonged this hormonal highs can be done by some chemicals, but because the body and mind are designed to seek balance, prolonged high will lead to a deeper low. This means addicted.
In other words, your health an potential for longevity is compromised. How should we get the benefit without compromising our health, we will talk about it later.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Meditation's Benefit (part 1)

Many people meditate in order to reap very tangible benefits that meditation can bring. The main benefits to be gained by meditation in the short term are:
  • an enhanced ability to relax
  • greater equanimity
  • improved self-assurance
  • increased physical and mental energy
In addition to these short term benefits, all forms of meditation gently coax our minds into a greater appreciation of the present moment. This is useful, because relating to the present causes us to be much more focused and alert. When we are not meditating, we spend a surprising amount of time daydreaming about future possibilities or past events. By giving us the ability to focus at will upon the moment, meditation becomes a tool that enables us to experience things as they actually are.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Alternative Health Tips: Drinks 6 Glasses of Water Therapy

Water can be used as a simple alternative health solutions. It can purify our body if we use them properly.
Now here is what you have to do:
  1. Early in the morning right after you wake up (even before you brush your teeth) drink 1.5 litre of water, approximately 5 - 6 glasses.
  2. Don't eat or drink anything an hour before and after drink this 1.5 litre of water.
  3. Don't drink alcohol contained drinks the night before
  4. Use only boiled water and the one that properly filtered.

If you find it difficult to drink 1.5 litre of water, you can start from 4 glasess and try to reach 6 glasses a day.

Here are some of disease that can be cured according to experience:

  • TBC in 3 months
  • Diabetes in 7 weeks
  • High Blood Pressure in 4 weeks

Hope that you find this alternative health tips useful, and start drink water properly today.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Alternative Health Tips: Why You Need It?

Alternative health is a very powerful way to promote our daily life. But why do we need it instead of conventional health solutions? Here are some reasons.
- Alternative health is safer, because most of its method not involving chemical medicines, so we don't have to worry about side effects.
- Alternative health has various kind of method, so you can choose which one fits your need and interest. If you like to meditate, you can choose meditation, if you are interested on food, there are toons of ways to promote our health with that, there are still countless method out there.
- Alternative health is natural and some of its method even proven for thousands years like chinesse accupunture and medicine.
So, why don't you try one of alternative health method that fit your interes now. But keeps in mind that alternative health still only for complementary solutions. You still have to ask your doctor for advice.
Good luck.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Urinary problems and sex in women

There are several problems that are common to both urinary tract and sex. Here are what experts have to say on the urinary problems and sex in women, at a recent conference on lifespan and sexuality held in Hyderabad.

Women commonly suffer from all sorts of bladder problems. One condition that frequently affects women is a urinary tract infection (UTI), which can occur when bacteria enter the bladder and cause symptoms of frequent and often painful urination, difficulty urinating, and bladder discomfort.

A UTI may or may not be triggered by sexual activity, but certainly having sex when an infection is present can be very uncomfortable. Fortunately, UTIs are fairly quickly and easily treated with antibiotics, natural remedies such as cranberry juice or tablets and by increasing fluid intake, such that an occasional UTI does not generally affect one's sex life or partner relationship.

However, some women suffer from chronic bladder symptoms even when no bacterial infection has been determined. In many cases, these symptoms, which can include painful and frequent urination and bladder pain, are constant and intractable. This condition is referred to as interstitial cystitis (IC).

IC is a chronic condition which frequently goes undiagnosed. Women are more prone than men to this syndrome, and one of its main features is a sensitive and sometimes painful bladder. Because the bladder may be displaced slightly by sexual intercourse, having penetrative sex can be very uncomfortable. IC is similar to vulvar pain syndromes in that the vaginal muscles are often in a state of hypertonus (tightness).

Women with IC may not necessarily have pain upon initial penetration but may suffer from pain with deep penetration or upon orgasm. As with chronic vulvar pain conditions, women with IC need not give up on having a sex life. However, when these conditions exist, it is very important to communicate openly with one's partner. Sometimes simple modifications such as modifying positions may be helpful, and often, openness to non-penetrative sexual activity and emphasis on sensual pleasures that don't hurt can facilitate a healthy sexual life.

Even more common than chronic painful conditions of the bladder are those bothersome urogenital problems such as urinary frequency, urgency and incontinence. In fact, it is estimated that one out of four women will suffer from incontinence at some point in her life.

Leaking urine with activities such as coughing, laughing or sneezing is known as stress incontinence. This occurs when the pressure on the bladder that occurs during activities such as these, exceeds the pressure provided by the urethral sphincter, which keeps the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body, closed.

This occurs due to insufficient strength of the pelvic floor, which may be weakened by pregnancies, births, and hormonal changes, particularly menopause.

Urge incontinence describes a situation where one has a strong urgent desire to urinate, to the extent that urine is lost involuntarily before making it in time to the toilet. This occurs because of unwanted contractions of the bladder.

This can be stimulated by drinking coffee, cold weather, running water, or upon arriving close to the bathroom destination (also know as "key in the door" incontinence).

While these are distressing conditions in themselves, patients rarely volunteer (and all too often doctors don't ask) information about how their sex lives are negatively affected by it.

Women with incontinence are often afraid of leakage during sex, and as a result, they avoid intimate situations. Women with stress incontinence are more likely to leak with penetration due to pressure on the bladder and women with urge incontinence may leak during orgasm, which may or may not occur with intercourse.

Both urge and stress incontinence can be treated. Pelvic floor strengthening exercises have demonstrated success in curing incontinence in several controlled studies.

Urgency can be managed as well, with behavioural techniques such as bladder training, timed voiding, and dietary restrictions. In severe conditions, medications that control bladder contractions, known as anti-cholinergic medications, may be helpful as well. In more severe cases, when pelvic floor rehabilitation is not effective enough, surgical repair may be the appropriate intervention.

If urinary problems are affecting your sex life, you should consider the following suggestions:
1. Speak to your doctor about your symptoms. Something as simple as an anti-cholinergic medication to prevent bladder contractions a half hour before sex may prevent orgasm related leakage.
2. Speak openly with your partner about your fears and discomforts. If intimacy has been greatly affected by urinary or vulvar discomforts, consider consultation with a couples counsellor or sex therapist.
3. Request a referral by your physician to a pelvic floor physical therapist in your area who can address your symptoms and help improve the quality of your life, particularly your sex life.

Simple tips to over come light glare

A five-year-old girl has a pathetic tale to tell. Like her two elder sisters, she can't tolerate light.

Bright light makes her virtually blind. The three girls were diagnosed by doctors at LV Prasad Eye Institute in Hyderabad as suffering from a strange eye problem called cone dystrophy.

Their father, a daily labourer, deserted the girls after he noticed that the eye defect could not be rectified. The girls' mother took care of them and admitted in a local government school. But soon the problems began for the girls as they could not see the black board or move freely in the open.

The mother then took the girls to LV Prasad Eye Institute where doctors prescribed some simple techniques to reduce the problem. The girls now have an improved vision and play with other children. The doctors helped the girls overcome the defect by advising sunglasses. The girls were given absorptive or tinted lenses that reduce glare.

They were also advised to wear hat for shade from sunlight.

"There is no permanent treatment or cure to photophobia but better eye management and eye care techniques will reduce the trouble. Lubricant eye drops will also help. Patients find it difficult to drive during night because of headlights glare. Even during the day time they feel uncomfortable in the sunlight," says senior ophthalmologist Dr Sreekumar Reddy.

The problem with these three girls was that they are extremely sensitive to light and lower their gaze while walking.

They squint and blink at the slightest glare. Cone dystrophy in their eyes has led to this rare condition called photophobia or hyper sensitivity to light.

Andhra Pradesh has thousands of children and adults with photophobia and the number is increasing with the each passing year. Neglect of ophthalmic care by parents in case of young children is said to be one of the causes for low vision coupled with sensitivity of light. As many as five crore people suffer from the low vision problem in the country and quite a considerable number of them complains of photophobia.

Though there are no official statistics on the number of photophobia patients in the country, the problem is quite common in albinos or "moon-children" and those with low vision. People who suffer from various eye diseases like ocular albinism, cataract, retinitis pigmentosa and diabetic retinopathy also complain of sensitivity to light like these girls. "For a clear image to appear on the retina a clear medium is needed. In case of opacity in the eye the intraocular light gets scattered bringing down the vision levels. Such eyes become extremely sensitive to light and glare. People with photophobia see glare in light that appears normal for healthy people," says ophthalmologist Dr Altaf Akbar.

Eyecare specialists suggest that coloured lenses with specific tints to restrict different wavelengths of light will do wonders. The patient may choose from a wide range of colours that suit his or her eyes.

Filters, that come in different tints at various levels of absorption and different cut-off points, provide contrast enhancement and help in light adaptation. Corning photochromic filters are also useful since short wavelength light has been shown to cause hazy vision, reduced contrast and discomfort. The photochromic filters filtering out blue light in the visible portion of the spectrum, at the wavelengths that create problems for the photophobic patients.

They are specially designed to filter short wavelength light.

Some ophthalmologists are of the view that ultra violet shields (of blue spectrum) provide protection for 100 per cent UV and visible light. The filter in the shields eliminates near infrared 100 per cent UV and provides visible light protection.

For those who find it a problem while reading because of reflection from white pages may go in for typoscope (a black, non-reflective plastic card with a rectangle cut out of it).

A hat with a wide brim or a sun visor can help cut down glare and facilitate mobility outdoors.

When photophobic patients move between places of different lighting levels (say from sunlight to a closed room or vice versa), doctors suggest that they pause a while, take off or put on the sunglasses depending whether they are moving in or out of sunlight. This allows their eyes to adjust without causing any visual discomfort.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Alternative Health Tips: Smile Makes You Happy

If you have a serious face, you have to use 64 muscles on your lips. And if you smile, only 10 of your lips muscle is used. Small effort and you could take an advantage from that.

When you start smiling, your cheek will send messages to your brain. At the same time, happiness hormones spreads and it will stop the production of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenalin. Smile also triggers your immunity system which strengthen your body and produce antobody.

You don't have to worry if your smile is only to make others happy and not from your heart. The interesting fact is that your brain can't identify what kind of smile you've made. It means that a big smile is always a good one since happiness hormones will always be spreaded. What is the easiest thing to start a smile? You can try this tip.

Try to look at your face in your mirror for a couple seconds. You will smile or even laugh after a while, laughing at yourself. By then, you should feel the happiness hormones spread out from your body.

So, what are you waiting for, try it and be happy.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Nutrition for Healthy Bones

One and half milion osteoporotic fractures of the spine, hip, wrist and other sites occur each year, primarily in postmenopousal women.The incidence of fractures after the age of 40 result in mild to moderate trauma. These are most closely associated with osteoporosis. Fractures of the hip and spine often contribute to disability, dependencies and increased risk of death.
The number of osteoporosis cases, however, is expected to increase substantially over the next several decades as life expectancy increases and the world population expands.

Many nutritional factors have been examined for association with osteoporosis and bone mass. Calcium, phospors, trace minerals and protein are component of bone tissue. Calcium is the main mineral of bone and teeth. Total body calcium is 1000 – 1200 grams of 1,5 -2% of body weight. Vitamin D regulates calcium balance, and other nutrients influence calcium absorption. Thus, dietary intakes of these nutrients will affect bone mass, although the strength of association may be expected to vary according to developmental phase, menopousal status and individual habitual intake. Long term systematic calcium deficits lead to osteoporosis.
Normal daily intake of calcium is 200 – 1300 mg. It is absorbed in the duodenum and colon under the influence of vitamin D. Only 10% of ingested calcium is absorbed, the rest passes out in the stool. Calcium secretion occurs via the kidneys, although most calcium is conserved by renal absorption.

The recommended calcium intake is 200 – 1300 mg per day for infants to pregnant woman. Calcium is found in milk and dairy products, fish and its bone, green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains. The daily requirement is higher in women then men. Lactating women require a higher amount, and osteoporosis which is common in elderly women, may be prevented by calcium supplementation.

How to prevent osteoporosis? Recommendation to help prevent osteoporosis is modifiable risk factors. Currently, a healthy diet involving adequate intakes of calcium, vitamin D, protein and vitamin K and avoiding excess intakes of phosporus, vitmain A, sodium, caffeine and alcohol is also important. Weight bearing and muscle-strengthening exercise for 30 – 40 minuter per day reduce bone lose and lower the risk of falling. Finally smoking is very important for bone health.

Note: Tai chi also have a significant effect to reduce falling and better balance.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Alternative Health Supplements: Why use the vitamin supplements?

Supplements especially vitamins are widely used as an alternative way to promote our health. But can we get it from the nature? Here, you will find some useful information about alternative health supplements basics, so you can have an alternative natural health solutions.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A helps with growth, eyesight and healthy skin. You can get it from:
Carrots, potato, pumpkin and mangoes.
Many young children do not eat enough foods with vitamin A so children should take a supplement until they are 5 years old.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is important for general health and for the immune system. It helpswounds to heal. It also helps you absorb iron.
You can get vitamin C from fruit and vegetables, especially blackcurrants, kiwi fruit, citrus fruits, tomatoes, peppers and strawberries.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps make strong bones.
Very few foods contain vitamin D – sunshine is more important because you make vitmain D in your skin when you are outside in the sun. This happens in the summer months but not during winter. If you have dark skin or always keep your skin covered when outside, you may not make enough vitamin D for you.

Folic Acid
Folic acid is a B vitamin. It is very important before and during early pregnancy.
All women who might get pregnant should take a supplement of folic acid as it is hard to get enough from food. Black eyed beans, spinach, spring greens, broccoli, green beans and yearst extract are the best sources of folic acid. Some breakfast cereals and bread have folic acid added to them.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Try This Mindfulness Meditation

Learning To Be In The Moment

Imagine thinking clearly, and feeling relaxed at will.
Could you get more done? Enjoy life more? Would you
like to know how to do that right now? Start by
learning how to put yourself more in the moment with a
simple mindfulness exercise.

Basic Mindfulness Exercises

A basic mindfulness exercise begins with sitting down,
relaxing and breathing deeply. Close your eyes and pay
attention to your breathing, following the breath in
and out a few times. Then move your attention to your
body, one part at a time, noticing any sensations of
cold, hot, tight, sore or anything you can identify.
After a few minutes, start listening to the sounds of
the room, without judging, criticising or thinking
about them. Just listen for a minute.

Open your eyes and look around as if seeing for the
first time. Rest your eyes on any object for half a
minute. Examine it without talking about it in your
mind. Repeat this with another object, and then
another, while still maintaining an awareness of your
body and breath. Continue this state of mindfulness
until you're ready to get up.

When sensing your body, your breath, and your
immediate surroundings, you are more fully "in the
moment." A mindfulness exercise like this puts your
mind in a receptive state while removing mental
distractions that hinder clear thinking. It leaves you
ready to work mentally. Do this before important
mental tasks and you'll find you have more focus and

Using Mindfulness For Daily Life

When you're in the middle of a task and feel stressed,
stop. Take three deep breaths, then carefully watch
yourself until identify what is bothering you. Find
everything you can. Are you expecting something bad to
happen? Is an argument from this morning still going
on just below the surface of your consciousness? Are
you worried about something? Is some part of your body
in pain? Note everything you find.

Now deal with these thieves-of-concentration one by
one. Make the phone call that's on your mind, take an
aspirin if you need to, and apologise to someone if
necessary. Take things from your mind and put them on
a list for tomorrow (in writing). If all you can do is
acknowledge that there's nothing you can do right now
- do that. After doing this mindfulness exercise,
you'll feel less stressed, and you'll be able to
concentrate more effectively on the tasks at hand. Try
it now.

Alternative Health Tips: Is it dangerous to consume 500 mg of vitamin C on a daily basis? If not, what are the benefits?

Today's alternative health tips is about vitamin C. We
can see a lot of vitamin C supplement product today in
the market. Most of them with a high dose of vitamin

The fact is, large amounts of vitamin C are not
harmful. The excess of vitamin C including the type
that disolves in water that cannot be absorbed by the
body is discharged through the bladder.

A high dose of vitamin C has been suggested to prevent
flu. But Dr. Terrence W Anderson does not agree with
this suggestion.

According to him, if you take vitamin C daily you will
be less likely to get flu, but 250 mg daily will give
the same effect as 500 mg daily or even higher dose
because the body simply cannot absorb any more :).

Hope that you find this alternative health tips

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Facts About Laugh

Laugh is a very simple thing that we could do to stay healthy and young.

A research to 300 people has shown that people with heart disease laugh 40 % lesser than people that don’t have heart disease.

Another interesting fact is that 100-200 laugh a day equal to 10 minutes of jogging. This means that laugh is also a work out.

Start laugh now, and have a work out.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Learning Tai Chi

My interest on Tai Chi came when I saw the movement. It's just calming and relieving only by seeing it.

Actually I interested on chikung also, but it's to hard for me. I mean, I like something slower than that.

After read a couple of books and watched some videos, I tried to practice it myself. I choose the Yang's Style Short Form.

Only from the first week, I could feel the difference and got an unexpected result.

My reflex was better than before!!

Somehow, I could catch many falling things instantly.

Well, I think its time to practice it in public area :), so more people will get interested as I am..

Go Tai Chi...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Omega 3 acids could protect from blindness

Increasing the dietary intake of Omega 3 fatty acids, found in certain kinds of fish, nuts and vegetable oils, may protect one from blindness, suggests a study conducted on mice.

Scientists in Boston found that they have a protective effect against blindness resulting from abnormal blood vessel growth in the eye, according to the study published in the online journal Nature Medicine.

Human clinical trials will soon begin at a children's hospital in Boston to test the effects of Omega 3 supplementation in premature babies who are at risk for vision loss, the researchers were quoted as saying by science portal EurekAlert.

Omega 3 fatty acids are already known to be beneficial for heart and brain functions. Short-term studies have indicated that taking dietary supplements of Omega 3 could also lower blood pressure in people with hypertension.

Abnormal vessel growth is the cause of retinopathy - an eye disease that leads to the eventual loss of vision. It begins with a loss of blood vessels in the retina, which becomes oxygen starved, sends out alarm signals and spurs new vessel growth. But the new vessels grow abnormally and are malformed, leaky and over-abundant.

The abnormal vessels finally pull the retina away from its supporting layer, and this retinal detachment ultimately causes blindness.

The researchers, led by Lois Smith and Kip Connor of Children's Hospital in Boston and Harvard Medical School, and John Paul SanGiovanni of the National Eye Institute (NEI) studied retinopathy in mice, feeding them a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

Mice on the Omega 3 diet had less initial vessel loss in the retina than those fed with Omega 6 fatty acids. The area with vessel loss was 40-50 percent smaller.

'Our studies suggest that after initial loss, vessels re-grew quickly and efficiently in the Omega 3-fed mice,' Connor said.

'This increased the oxygen supply to retinal tissue, resulting in a dampening of the inflammatory 'alarm' signals that lead to pathologic vessel growth.'

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Green Blood! Not Only on Cartoons but for Real!!!

While reading for health news and health information updates, I came across to

Achieving optimal health requires eating a balanced diet rich in vegetables and some fruits. But, if you're like an estimated 91% of Americans, you don't even come close to the recommended daily amounts of 5-9 servings.

  • Contains spirulina to support healthy immune function.*
  • Is packed with live probiotic cells to promote digestive health.*
  • Possesses more greens per serving than other leading green food formulas
  • Contains algae and cereal grasses that provide a natural source of alkalizing minerals.
  • Contains natural vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene and natural vitamin C, too.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

The 45-second Meditation: Is Meditation Too Much Time And Trouble?

If you haven't meditated before, you might think it's too much trouble to learn. If you do meditate, you know it can be difficult to find the time to do it consistently. So is there really a meditation you can learn right now that can be done in 45 seconds? There is.

Three Deep Breaths

Try this: breath through your mouth, and notice how your chest expands; then breath through your nose and you'll notice how your abdomen goes out more. You see, breathing through the nose causes the diaphram to pull the air to the bottom of your lungs. This delivers a good dose of oxygen into your bloodstream, and into your brain. It also tends to relax you.

This is why meditators breath through their noses. It's healthier, and it is the basis of this forty-five-second meditation. You simply close your eyes, let go of your thoughts (to the extent possible), and take three slow, deep breaths through your nose, paying attention to your breathing.

The Rest Of The Story
Now, this won't get you into a deep meditative state, especially if you've never meditated before. Is this a reason not to do it? Not at all. You'll get what you get out of it, and that almost certainly includes a clearer mind and a reduction in stress.

Make it a ritual. For example, each time you get into your car, quietly do your three deep breaths. Having a regular "trigger" like this to remind you will keep you from procrastinating so often that you eventually forget to meditate altogether (isn't this typical when we don't make a habit out of the things we want to do?).

Want it to be a deeper experience? There's nothing wrong with just enjoying the relaxation created by three deep breaths, but you can go further, if you wish. Longer meditation will help, of course, but that isn't the only way.

If, when you have more time, you learn mindfulness, how to relax more fully, or better ways to let go of distractions in your mind, you can more effectively use that forty-five-seconds. You may even be able to get to that "alpha" state (brain wave frequecy of 8 to 12 hertz) during your short meditation.

Don't worry if some say this isn't "real" meditation. We walk before we run, and not everything has to be difficult to be of value. Why not do a forty-five-second meditation right now?

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Apple might keep cancer at bay

Apple peel may either inhibit or kill cancer cells, a Cornell University research has found.

Cornell researchers analyzed the peel from 230 pounds of red delicious apples and isolated their individual compounds.

After identifying the structures of the promising compounds in the peel, the researchers tested the pure compounds against cancer cell growth in the laboratory.

They identified a dozen compounds -- triterpenoids -- in apple peel that either inhibit or kill cancer cells in laboratory cultures, according to the research published this month in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Three of the compounds have not previously been described in the literature.

Lead researcher Rui Hai Liu, Cornell associate professor of food science, said three of the compounds have not previously been described in the literature.

'We found that several compounds have potent anti-proliferative activities against human liver, colon and breast cancer cells and may be partially responsible for the anti-cancer activities of whole apples,' said Liu.

In previous Cornell studies, apples had been found not only to fight cancer cells in the laboratory but also to reduce the number and size of mammary tumors in rats. The Cornell researchers now think that the triterpenoids may be doing much of the anti-cancer work.

'We believe that a recommendation that consumers to eat five to 12 servings of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables daily is appropriate to reduce the risks of chronic diseases, including cancer, and to meet nutrient requirements for optimum health,' said Liu.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Women cause of infertility in men!

Mothers too are responsible for certain types of infertility in men. Thus far, onlyfathers have been held responsible for infertility in the male offspring. This is so because it is the father who transmits the Y or male sex-determining chromosome tothe son and the mother does not transmit any male sex chromosome to the male child.But a study, by the Hyderabad-based Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, on Indian men from different linguistic and geographical backgrounds shows that motherstoo play a key role in transferring the infertility genes to sons. Mothers, however,do not themselves get affected by these infertility genes.

The CCMB study revealed that mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited by sons frommothers, is contributing to increasing male infertility around the world,particularly in men from the Indian sub-continent. The mitochondrial or mDNA is found to be undergoing mutations affecting the motility of sperm as well as itscount."Sperm quality is also greatly influenced by mutations in the components of therespiratory chain of the mitochondrial DNA. Although mDNA has been studied extensively for the past two decades, very few studies have investigated theinvolvement of mDNA mutations in male infertility. There are 37 genes in mDNA,encoding 13 proteins, which are essential components of respiratory-chain complexes involved in the production of adenosine triphosphate," says Dr Kumarasamy Thangarajof Evolutionary and Medical Genetics Laboratory of the Centre for Cellular andMolecular Biology.As part of the study, the CCMB team analysed the mitochondrial DNA of 34 men suffering from oligoasthenozoospermia (low sperm count with poor motility) alongwith 150 normozoospermic (fertile) men. The team noticed a novel missense mutationin ND4 gene. A missense is a mutation that converts a codon coding for one amino acid to a codon coding for another amino acid. In the case of oligoasthenozoospermicmen, the mutation in the ND4 gene replaced threonine with isoleucine. But this wasnot observed in normozoospermic or fertile men who served as a control group for purpose of the study.Dr Thangaraj points out that abnormal semen is one of the major factors that isassociated with male infertility. The quality and quantity of sperm production maybe affected greatly by both environmental and genetic factors.

Karyotypic (chromosomal) abnormalities and Y-chromosomal microdeletions are the most frequentgenetic abnormalities associated with abnormal semen profile, particularlyoligozoospemia (less than 20 million sperm per ml but still a measurable level) nonobstructive azoospermia (a condition with complete lack of measurable sperm).Explaining how the mitochondrial DNA from mothers is responsible for infertility insons, he says spermatozoa are heavily dependent on mitochondria for respiratory energy for motility. The mature mammalian spermatozoon contains about 72 to 80mitochondria in the mitochondrial sheath of the midpiece (area below the sperm headwhich serves as a motor of the sperm).Analysis of blood samples from both oligoasthenozoospermic (infertile) and normozoospermic (fertile) control men revealed the presence of several sequence variants but one variant at nucleotide position was found to be present in all 10samples. Interestingly the T allele (C11994T) never before has been reported, either as a polymorphism or in association with a disease, anywhere in the world."We screened for the presence of this mutation in the remaining 24 samples.Amazingly, we also found this mutation in all the remaining 24 samples, although none of the 150 proven-fertile (normozoospermic) men carried it. The C11994Tmutation is located in the second base of a codon, resulting in an amino-acid changefrom threonine to isoleucine at amino-acid position 412 of the ND4 gene. The ND4 gene is an essential subunit of complex I of the mitochondrial respiratory chain,and ND4 mutations have been implicated in mitochondrial diseases such as Leigh'ssyndrome and Leber hereditary optic neuropathy," he observed.

Because none of the fertile men analysed in this study or in other studies aroundthe world has been found to contain this C11994T mutation, the possibility of itbeing a neutral polymorphism was ruled out by the CCMB team.

"There is interesting evidence that mDNA variation is an important contributor tothe motility variation of sperm. Mutations of mDNA have been well documented inseveral disorders, either independently or in association with nuclear mutations," Dr Thangaraj says.

Source : greatandhra

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Popular Fitness Vibration Plates – To Be or Not To Be?

Have you heard about the popular fitness vibration plates? This fitness machine have become popular in the U.S. It’s more popular to celebrities who are toning their body and even NASA tested this machine. The machine works by using vibrating your body to tone your muscles and make it easier for you to become fit and sexy. Advertisers of this machine also say that the equipment helps you improve your flexibility and strength and can also prevent osteoporosis.

The machine costs about $3,000 to $10,500 and weighs about 264 to 500 pounds and usually has handles to hang onto.

“You don’t really feel like you’re working that hard, but then you get that sweat going and once the vibration stops, you can really feel it in your legs or upper body,” - Michaela Zakheim, 45, a vibration plate user.

Fitness trainers love to use them but some users said that they don’t like the fact that they can’t watch tv or even read while working on the machine.

However, researchers warn the public about the possible bad effects of this machine to your body. Clinton Rubin, a biochemical engineering professor, believes that the power plate’s vibration levels could cause low back pains, blurred vision, cartilage damage and even brain damage.

Friday, May 25, 2007

More ejaculation less risk of cancer

Want to get rid of prostate cancer, which is fast becoming a common health hazard in men? Just increase your sexual activity and you will be saved from prostrate cancer to a great extent. Each increase of three ejaculations per month across the man's lifetime is associated with a 15 per cent decrease in the risk of prostate cancer.

According to Dr June Machover Reinisch of The Kinsey Institute and former professor in the departments of psychology and psychiatry at Indiana University, USA, it is a myth that excessive sexual activity will increase the risk of prostate cancer. The truth is that it will decrease the risk and keeps the prostate gland in good function.

Dr June Machover was in Hyderabad to present her research studies on sex and sexual practices. According to her, many physicians have believed that men who participate in high levels of sexual activity are at increased risk for prostate cancer. One suggested basis for this hypothesis is the possibility that increased sexual activity may be an indication of higher levels of androgen (male hormones) and therefore a higher risk of developing prostate cancer, which has been related to male hormone levels.

However, a study conducted by a group of researchers from the National Cancer Institute and John Hopkins and Harvard University revealed that increased sexual activity will in fact reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

The researchers selected as many as 29,342 men, between 46 and 81 years, and conducted a study on their sexual pattern for over eight long years. Only men who did not have a diagnosis of prostate cancer at the beginning of the eight years were included. So everybody was prostate cancer-free.

At the beginning of the study the men were questioned about the average number of ejaculations per month they had, between the ages of 20 and 29, then between 40 and 49, and then during the past year.

The study focused on the frequency of ejaculation, including sexual intercourse, nocturnal emissions, and masturbation. Every two years after the beginning of the study the men were asked, again, whether they had received a diagnosis of prostate cancer.

"Of the 29,342 men who began the study without a diagnosis of prostate cancer, by the end of eight years 1,449 cases had been diagnosed. That's approximately 5 per cent of the men. Remember, they are older in age, so we expect them to start to get prostate cancer. With every decade that same percentage get prostate cancer, so we believe that 80 per cent of 80 year olds have prostate cancer, and 90 per cent of 90 year olds have prostate cancer, and 70 per cent of 70 year olds have prostate cancer," Dr June pointed out.

She said between ages 20 and 29 the men reported an average of 15 ejaculations a month. Between 40 and 49, 11 ejaculations a month was average, and between 50 and 59 9.5 per month. Men 60 and older reported an average of 5 ejaculations per month.

"Most categories of ejaculatory frequency were not related to the risk of prostate cancer. However, a lower risk was found in the group of men with the highest frequency of ejaculation. Each increase of three ejaculations per month across the man's lifetime was associated with a 15 per cent decrease in the risk of prostate cancer. So the more ejaculations you had, the less likely you were to have prostate cancer, and every time you had three more as an average per month, you were 15 per cent less likely to have prostate cancer," she said.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

One Day One Apple

We have known that apple is a very healthy fruit and contains many good nutritions. Now, there is a new evidence about apple.

The National Public Health Institute in Finland had done a research for 25 years involving almost 10.000 people. People who consume more fruits and fresh vegetables have lower risk of any kind of disease. For example, people who consume more apple, their risk of lung cancer is dropping by 20-60 %. This due to the fact that apple contains a lot of quercetin and fibres.

For that reason, Paul Knekt, Ph. D., the writer of that research suggest us to eat one apple every day. Try this and stay healthy.

Here is another useful article from USA Today about
Here is a good idea, instead of looking at your workout session in terms of an hour each time, shorten it.

Plan just fifteen minutes!

Change the manner in which you train. All you need is your body, (preferably fresh) air, and your ability to breathe. You can do simple health and mood-enhancing routines at home in a very short time.

A good tip is to avoid doing exercises that require minutes in between to recover. Make sure you are constantly doing physical activity for those fifteen minutes. This will keep your mind occupied and remove the chance of thinking about what it is that is bothering you. Those nagging problems won’t have an opportunity to take hold of you training in this manner.

By the time you have reached fifteen minutes of continual movement through deep breathing exercises those endorphins will have kicked in and you’ll be feeling great! No need for an hour of gym based training.

Now, after you have done this for just fifteen minutes, perhaps you will want to go to the gym. Perhaps you will want to do more. Or perhaps not.

The point is this. If you allow fifteen minutes each and every day to simple body movement and breathing exercises you will feel a lot better than if you just go to the gym twice a week for forty five minutes and while there you train in a disjointed fashion!

Essentially be your own gym. If you learn certain health and mood improving deep breathing exercises you at least have a choice. Either just do them for ten or fifteen minutes each day or do them and do a standard gym session. In essence, you utilise your breath to wake you up and get the endorphins to kick in so to speak, and this provides the impetus to do more.

Beginning is half done. When you awaken yourself using deep breathing exercises you are much more likely to want to take the day by storm!

Try the following examples for easy to do, and access, exercises using nothing more than your ability to breath and using simple body movements.

Standing up straight, hands by your side, expel all the air from your lungs. Raise the hands, bringing palms together above the head, making a full inhalation at the same time. From this position slowly allow your arms to drop back down to your sides while expelling all the air from your lungs. Try this ten times.

Standing normally swing your arms forward while rising up on your toes. While doing this inhale deeply. Then as your arms swing back and behind your body bring your heels down and exhale. Make this a dynamic movement. Perform for twenty to thirty repetitions.

Standing normally inhale deeply while gently bridging backwards (not too far!) and then bend forwards exhaling all the air from your lungs. Come back to normal standing position and repeat ten times.

Try these three for now focusing upon breath first and body movement second. Use them as a short circuit in the morning or any time you need a mood enhancer or quick increase in energy levels!

You can also use
Now, there is even new evidence about carrot that could also help us on improving our brain’s memory ability.

Fruits also have the same positive effect on our brain. As of carrot, if you want to improve your memory function, than consume fresh fruits. Fruit contains natural glucose, that stimulates our memory to become faster, and remembering information quicker.

Fruit also contains other ingredients that could stimulate brain function.
But in contrary, fruit also could have negative effect that slower our brain. This happens when we consume fruit together with white powder, especially the one that contained in cheese.

Consuming them at the same time will require a lot of energy during the process due the different way on their burning process in our body. This will cause blood to be flooded to our digestion system instead to our brain.

So, keep on consuming carrot and who knows that your memory will be better.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Are you a Fruit Freak?

Fruits are indeed a boon to mankind. Mother Nature has filled them with so many positive qualities, that these fruits often save you from swallowing antibiotics and pills. They have natural powers of curing numerous diseases, aches and pains.


It is very rich in potassium, natural sugars, vitamins and mineral elements. It has high water content that ranges from 80-90 per cent, which helps in cleansing the entire system.

It has many medicinal properties and is especially beneficial for the intestinal tract, liver, kidneys and the heart. It is supposed to cure rheumatic disorders. It must be eaten in large quantities during the winter in order to prevent tuberculosis and anaemia.
It also works as a good beauty aid for the complexion, skin disorders, acne and even sunburns. It is also a valuable dentifrice as it prevents tartar and strengthens gums and teeth. Externally, you could use this fruit to heal old wounds, sore eyes and ulcers.


Peach is rich in potassium, calcium and sodium. It has 88 per cent water content and is a good thirst-quencher. It is also an excellent digestive because of its strong alkaline reaction on the body. In fact if you eat the fruit along with its skin, every night before bedtime, it can cure chronic constipation.

The peach has good laxative properties and is a good natural cleanser for the kidney and bladder. This fruit carries natural iron to the blood, which is then organized in vegetable cells and quickly assimilated. If you eat plenty of peaches, you are bound to feel energetic, light and fresh throughout the year.


The pomegranate is a wonderful fruit with some amazing medicinal and curative properties. It is very light on the stomach and easy to digest. But most importantly it is an excellent heart tonic.

It has 77 per cent water content and is extremely rich in sodium, vitamin A, B and C. It contains glucose, fructose, tannins and oxalic acid. It provides sufficient amount of minerals to the liver and assimilates vitamin A from our food intake. It increases resistance towards tuberculosis and tones up the heart, liver and kidneys. It is also known to relieve hypertension, mental tension and hysteria.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away. It certainly does. Its high vitamin and mineral content boosts the immune system. It also enriches body skin and hair. The mineral called Pectin, is found in large amounts in an apple. It is the same element that is found in antidiarrheal drugs.
The peel of the apple is extremely rich in vitamin A, whereas the actual fruit contains vitamin C, B-1, B-2, B-6, folic and pantothenic acid. You will also find minerals such as potassium and small amounts of copper, magnesium and phosphorus. You can bid good-bye to your coughs, colds and flu, by having an apple a day. Unless, of course, you are in love with a doctor!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Clinical depression

It is quite normal for humans to become depressed when something bad or unpleasant happens, such as the death of a beloved one or an end to a relationship. In addition to feelings, depression can change a person's behavior, physical health and appearance, academic performance, social activity and the ability to handle everyday decisions. Clinical depression refers to any form of depression that requires some form of treatment in order to alleviate it.

This type of depression normally goes away after some time, but in some cases it persists for much longer. Depression can last for periods of six months or more, and then it falls under the classification of clinical depression.

One/fourth of all women and one/eighth of all men will suffer at least one episode or occurrence of depression during their lifetimes. Depression affects people of all ages but is less common for teenagers than for adults.

Sometimes depressed people cannot perform even the simplest daily activities like getting out of bed or getting dressed.

Depression is classified under three main categories: unipolar disorder (major depression), bipolar disorder (manic depression) and dysthymia (prolonged sadness).

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


The symptoms of a Heat Stroke are hot and dry skin, very high fever, diarrhea, agitation or lethargy, confusion, convulsions and loss of consciousness. If you think that your child has heatstroke, call the doctor. Wrap your baby in a large towel that has been soaked in ice water. As soon as the towel becomes warm, change it for a fresh chilled one.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Garlic, The Wonder Food

A clove of garlic a day keeps cancer away. But it does more than that. It also keeps the possibility of a love life away! Take heart however. There's always Close Up to remedy the situation!

Garlic contains a chemical called Allicin, which has already proved to have numerous health benefits. A team of Israeli scientists recently used this chemical to successfully kill cancer cells as well as malignant tumors in mice. Allicin is not present in an unbroken clove of garlic. It only gets released when the clove is crushed, so when using garlic in cooking, make sure you crush it and use it. Don't add the entire unbroken clove in your food, as though this will give you the flavour of garlic, it will not provide you with the benefits of its anti-carcinogenic properties. The clove needs to be damaged, so it is more effective crushed than cut. When crushed garlic is added to a dish, any parasites, bacteria or other microbes get killed even before the temperature kills them, so if you are worried about eating outside food - the safest option would be to order food with a strong garlic flavour. Chances of food poisoning would be slim! Garlic, as we all know or should be knowing, is a natural antiseptic, and eating a clove of garlic a day also helps ward off most infections.

Italians and Chinese eat plenty of garlic in their food, and have very low incidences of cancer. Pizzas and pastas, Italian dishes rich in maida and cheese, have liberal dozes of garlic, with the result that Italians seem relatively immune to other problems associated with such a diet such as high cholesterol and heart ailments. Similarly, Chinese food is rich in garlic, and the Chinese too are statistically less prone to cancer and heart ailments.

How should you eat the clove?

Needless to say, crushing a clove of garlic and eating it raw would not be the most pleasant of experiences. Garlic has a very strong flavour, and it needs to be mixed with other foods in order to be enjoyed. The best way to eat garlic would be to add it in food while cooking it. Allicin gets distributed throughout the meal, providing you with the benefits of its anti-carcinogenic and antiseptic properties.

Make sure you peel the garlic before cooking it. Cooking garlic in its peel destroys its curative properties. Similarly, peeling the garlic days before and crushing and storing all the crushed garlic together to be used a little at a time may be very convenient as a time saver, but you lose many of garlic's potent health properties. The natural compound of Allicin as found in garlic loses its beneficial properties within hours because it begins to react with garlic's other components as soon as the clove is crushed.

Peel the garlic and let it sit for fifteen minutes before cooking. Just before cooking, crush it. Consume soon after.

While you can get garlic supplements if you are looking for the easier way out, it is highly recommended that you get your daily doze of garlic the natural way - through the clove itself. As already mentioned, garlic has numerous other health benefits, and eating the garlic fresh would give you all these benefits. If you can consume the garlic raw, there's nothing like it! Peel it, crush it fifteen minutes later and down it, followed by a little milk. Do this every night - so you will not smell of garlic the entire day. Before long, you will see your health and immunity improve, and you needn't fear cancer again.


Research has shown that drinking water helps to maintain proper blood pressure, improves mental performance, increases athletic performance & helps to regulate digestion. Water is the key to elimination of toxins from the body.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


01. Antenatal checkup is very essential to avoid complications during pregnancy - Monthly once for the first 7 months and three after every 15 days; nearing term a check up once a week is essential.

02. Every month make sure to first check your BP and Weight and test urine sample for albumin & sugar estimation and report to the doctor with the results.

03. Proper care of nipples should be undertaken; retracted nipples should be brought to the notice of your doctor.

04. From the 5th month onwards slow walking in the evening can be adopted. Nearing time light exercises such as deep breathing exercises, sweeping the floor with a small broom. Mopping the floor in a squatting fashion is advised. This will aid in the fixing of the fetal head and its descent down the pelvis to favor easy natural delivery.

05. Mango fruit, jack fruit and papaya fruit should be avoided during the first trimester and sour lemon and orange to prevent cough, cold and sore throat.

06. Lifting heavy weights to be avoided throughout pregnancy. Heavy work like pumping water, drawing water from well and any strenuous exercise to be avoided.

07. Strenuous journey like travelling by auto rickshaws and in the last seat in buses is not advisable. One should avoid going to hill station and travelling by air as far as possible.

08. No "SEX" for first three months and last 2 months.

09. It is not advisable to watch horror movies.

10. High heeled shoes should not be worn during pregancy.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Remedies for Deep Sunken Eyes

Tips 1:

Apply 1 teaspoon of Honey with 1/2 teaspoon of Almond oil. Apply at bedtime.

Tips 2:

Soak 5 Almonds overnight. Peel them, eat them by chewing well followed by a glass of milk. Done first thing in the morning for 21 days should definitely help.

Remedies for puffy eyes

Remedies for Eye Puffiness

Tips 1:

Slice a raw Potato, circle the closed eyes gently with these halves. Or else grate a raw Potato and place on Muslin cloth squares. Place these on the eyes and relax for 15-20 minutes.

Tips 2:

Dip cotton pads in chilled milk and place on eyelids while relaxing.

Tips 3:

In a bowl of chilled water add a few drops of Vitamin E oil.Dip cotton pads in this and place on the eyes while relaxing for 20 minutes.

Monday, May 7, 2007

The Best Diet of All

You probably heard this and that diet plans. Eat this type of food, avoid that kind of food, don’t take this and that… I myself have been looking for the best diet; I keep on reading and reading until I found myself lost. I’ve been struggling to be slim, and to be healthy. But one day I just realized that the best diet is SELF DISCPLINE. You can’t do all the diet plans written on the Internet or other media types if you don’t have self discipline. You can’t do the exercise thing if you are so lazy and keeping yourself just to be the way you are. You have to change your inner self first. Your attitude towards dieting is a big factor. In addition, if you would summarize all the listings about diet, you’ll just come up to a conclusion: to have a successful diet you have to be in moderation, eat the right food and do exercise to burn calories.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Remedies for Insomnia

Sleep is a periodic resting condition of the body, especially the nervous system and there is a natural rotation of sleeping and waking every twenty-four hours. But medical science has not been able to explain-must less to understand the mechanics of this phenomenon. But it is a natural thing for a person to sleep and nobody can do without if for long. Some people, however, are able to do with much less sleep than others because their sleep is deeper and more refreshing, making do without four to five hours as compared to the normal period of seven to eight hours.

Sleep gives relief form tension, rest to the brain and the body and a person wakes up fresh and rejuvenated after sleep. But in some people the feeling of freshness is missing: they feel tired when they wake up. Some cannot sleep and others start snoring the moment their head touches the pillow.

Insomnia, or sleeplessness, is a condition that often causes annoyance, and by depriving the person of natural rest produces interference with the full activity during the daytime. When it becomes a habit, it may form a serious menace to health.


Insomnia may be due to a variety of causes, and they may act so effectively as to keep the person awake altogether, or they may serve, when present in a less degree, to produce one of the forms of dreaming and unfreashing slumber. Insomnia generally strikes persons of nervous temperament, those who are given to intellectual overwork. Manual overwork may also produce the condition by throwing the nervous system out of gear. Bodily fatigue, however, generally acts as a sleep-inducing agent. In temporary cases of sleepless of the causes is usually to be sought in some external source of irritation. To much cold, or heat humidity; or the presence of mosquitoes, may interfere with sleep in some cases. A slight, nagging pain, or dyspepsia- in which pain may be present in any appreciable degree may also interfere with sleep. Such temporary insomnia is easy to deal with; the moment the external cause that interferes with sleep is removed it is cured but it is the chronic insomnia, which is not easy to cure.

In cases of habitual sleeplessness, a voluntary limitation of the hours of sleep, combined with over study worry or grief, is often instrumental in forming a habit, which is exceedingly difficult to break. The brain remains active despite the efforts of the person of matters is often the effect of poisonous materials circulating in the blood, as in fevers gout, intemperance and over-indulgence in tobacco. Another cause of insomnia is neurasthenia. Persons suffering from it usually fall asleep the moment they get into bed but after an hour or two they wake up and cannot sleep for the rest of night.

In short, worry, thoughts of sex, over-indulgence in smoking or drinking, late dinners, preoccupation with business or work even after working hours, airless bedrooms, playing of games like chess or cards before retiring to bed are some of the main causes of insomnia. Excessive noise in the surroundings is also bad for sleep.
A person not having a clear conscience may also turn into an insomniac.

Learn to Sleep Well

Sleep is an art and its cardinal rules are:

(i) A clean, airy bedroom and clean bed. The cloths in which you sleep must also be loose and should not constrict any part of the body.

(ii) Compose yourself for sleep. Get rid of all the worries about what you have done during the day or propose to do the next day.

(iii) Stop thinking about anything but sleep half an hour before you get into bed.

(iv) Dinnertime should be fixed and so should be the time when you get into bed.

(v) Do not use heavily spiced food, meat or liquor. Excessive smoking also leads to insomnia.

Drugs to induce sleep should be avoided since they are habit-forming. There are a number of cases, particularly in the west, who are addicted to sleeping pills and whose needs for greater and greater number of the pills goes on increasing. Drug-induced sleep is never as restful as the one that comes naturally. Drugs are likely to create more complications than they can remove.


Chronic cases of insomnia can be dealt with only by resort to natural diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, a daily regimen of exercise and freedom from worry of tensions that beset modern life. Light exercise of the neck and back muscles shortly before going to sleep can help. A four-inch broad water soaked bandage tied to the neck also help induces sleep.
Taking a bath before sleep and rubbing your body dry with your palms can also help induce sleep. A cup of hot water or hot milk can also immediately before retiring to bed.

Those who cannot sleep because of mental excitement should soak their feet in warm water. The temperature of the water should not be more than 3 to 4 degrees higher than body temperature. Damp towel soaked in cold water may be wrapped round the head. For more serious cases of sleeplessness, soaking the whole body in a tubful of warm water of body temperature is the remedy. If you can sleep lying in the bathtub for the half an hour, it would give you the freshness that two hours sleep in the bed cannot give.

In most cases, however, insomnia is due to lack of physical exercise. Physical exercise is the specific remedy for such cases. Some people might benefit if they took a small cardboard to bed with a pencil. Let them put dots on it when the light is out. This would help them to fall asleep.

Saturday, May 5, 2007



Hatha is a very general term that can encompass many of the physical types of yoga. If a class is described as Hatha-style, it is probably going to be slow-paced and gentle, and can provide a good introduction to the basic yoga poses


Like Hatha, Vinyasa is a general term that is used to describe many different types of classes. Vinyasa, which means breath-synchronized movement, tends to be a more vigorous style based on the performance of a series of poses called Sun Salutations in which movement is matched to the breath. A Vinyasa class will typically start with a number of Sun Salutations to warm up the body for more intense stretching which is done at the end of class.


Ashtanga, which means eight limbs in Sanskrit, is a fast-paced, intense style of yoga. A set series of poses is performed, always in the same order. Ashtanga practice is very physically demanding, because of the constant movement from one pose to the next. In yoga terminology, this movement is called flow. Ashtanga is also the inspiration for what is often called Power Yoga. If a class is described as Power Yoga, it will be based on the flowing style of Ashtanga, but not necessarily keep strictly to the set Ashtanga series of poses.


Based on the teachings of the yogi B.K.S Iyengar, this style of practice is most concerned with bodily alignment. In yoga, the word alignment is used to describe the precise way in which your body should be positioned in each pose in order to obtain the maximum benefits of the pose and avoid injury. Iyengar practice usually emphasizes holding poses over long periods versus moving quickly from one pose to the next (flow). Also, Iyengar practice encourages the use of props, such as yoga blankets, blocks and straps in order to bring the body into alignment.


The emphasis in Kundalini is on the breath in conjunction with physical movement, with the purpose of freeing energy in the lower body and allowing it to move upwards. All asana practices make use of controlling the breath, but in Kundalini, the exploration of the effects of the breath (also called prana, meaning energy) on the postures is essential. Kundalini uses rapid, repetitive movements rather than holding poses for a long time, and the teacher will often lead the class in call and response chanting.


Pioneered by Bikram Choudhury, this style is more generally referred to as Hot Yoga. It is practiced in a 95-100 degree room, which allows for a loosening of tight muscles and profuse sweating, which is thought to be cleansing. The Bikram method is a set series of 26 poses, but not all hot classes are make use of this series.


Founded in 1997 by John Friend, Anusara combines a strong emphasis on physical alignment with a positive philosophy derived from Tantra. The philosophy’s premise is a belief in the intrinsic goodness of all beings. Anusara classes are usually light-hearted and accessible to students of differing abilities. Poses are taught in a way that opens the heart, both physically and mentally, and props are often used.


This style of yoga emerged from one of New York’s best-known yoga studios. Jivamukti founders David Life and Sharon Gannon take inspiration from Ashtanga yoga and emphasize chanting, meditation, and spiritual teachings. They have trained many teachers who have brought this style of yoga to studios and gyms, predominantly in the U.S. These classes are physically intense and often include some chanting.


Headquartered in Santa Monica, California, and gaining popularity around the U.S., Forrest Yoga is the method taught by Ana Forrest. The performance of vigorous asana sequences is intended to strengthen and purify the body and release pent-up emotions and pain so that healing can begin. Expect an intense workout with an emphasis on abdominal strengthening and deep breathing.


Integral yoga follows the teachings of Sri Swami Sachidananda, who came to the U.S. in the 1960s, eventually founding many Integral Yoga Institutes and the famed Yogaville Ashram in Virginia. Integral is a gentle hatha practice, and classes often also include breathing exercises, chanting, Kriyas, and meditation.


The first Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center was founded in 1957 by Swami Vishnu-devananda, a disciple of Swami Sivananda. There are now close to 80 locations worldwide, including several ashram retreats. Sivananda yoga is based upon five principles:
1. Proper exercise (Asana, focusing on 12 poses in particular)
2. Proper breathing (Pranayama)
3. Proper relaxation (Savasana)
4. Proper diet (Vegetarian)
5. Positive thinking and meditation (Dhyana)

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

COFFEE! I know you have your good side

Coffee can be good for your health despite of its known bad effects to our health. Health researches have been conducting studies/ research about coffee and they’ve found out that it can be also good to our health. According to researches, coffee can help avoid the type 2 diabetes and may even help fend off certain cancers. As of now, researchers have been conducting clinical research to point out and to have a clear answer on the

7 Ways To Prevent Bad Breath

Dental studies show that about 85% of people with persistent bad breath, also known as halitosis have a dental problem that is to blame. If you suffer from chronic bad breath, you should visit your dentist first, to rule out any dental problems.

Bad breath can be very embarrassing, but it is a common condition that affects millions of people. While there are several different causes of bad breath, there are also numerous ways to prevent it. Following these tips can help you prevent bad breath as well as keep your mouth healthy on a daily basis.

1) Visit Your Dentist
Visit your dentist for regular check ups and cleanings. This is the best way to make sure that you are maintaining good oral hygiene.

2) Brush Twice A Day
Brush your teeth properly at least twice a day to remove plaque.

3) Floss Daily
Floss your teeth daily. Flossing will remove food debris from in between the teeth that a toothbrush can’t reach.

4) Use A Mouth Rinse
Use an anti microbial mouth rinse such as Listerine or Crest Pro-Health. Keep in mind that if a dental problem is the cause of chronic bad breath, a mouth rinse will only mask the odor and not cure it.

5) Don't Forget About Your Tongue
Brush or scrape your tongue daily to help remove bacteria.

6) Avoid Smoking
Do not smoke or use other tobacco products. Tobacco tends to dry out your mouth and can leave an unpleasant smell.

7) Dry Mouth
If you suffer from dry mouth, talk to your dentist about recommending an over the counter saliva substitute and be sure to drink plenty of water.

3 Nice Health Tips

* A decoction made prepared from dried coriander is an excellent eye-wash in Conjunctivitis.

* If your stomach is upset or you have a headache, then a cup of ginger tea is an immediate relief to it.

* Wash hair everyday with cold water to promote growth and to get rid of dandruff

Monday, April 30, 2007

Food Habits

  • Tips For a Healthy Diet:
    Eating well does not always mean eating healthy. At the same time, don't go on a starvation diet in your effort to get that hour-glass figure. Because, with your eating habits, you are setting an example for your child.
  • Eat With Discretion For A Healthy You:
    Is fat in or out? This is the question that haunts adults. Then they started thinking along the same lines for babies too. Fat babies were considered healthy babies. Then suddenly, chubby babies were no longer cute and the fear of weight problems appeared. Now what is finally correct? Cool down, a fat baby is not predictive of a fat adult. However, there are many good food habits to start with children to ensure a healthier lifestyle.
  • Children And Obesity:
    In the past two decades, obesity among 6 to 11-year-old children has increased 54%! However, overweight infants and children are not doomed to have weight problems as adults. Deprivation does not mean minimization of problems. It will only make the child crave for more food. In other words, they need the nourishment and no growing child should ever be put on a weight reduction diet without their doctor's supervision. Allowing children to choose from a wide selection of nutritious foods will help them establish good habits.
  • Food For Thought:
    To avoid obesity, plan snacks and time to have meals. Children allowed to graze between meals consume poor, high calorie diets. Four prime reasons for weight gain are: Irregular meals, too much intake of fat, untimely meals and lack of regular exercise. Small tablespoon servings are adequate for little ones but they will take more with increasing age. Their appetites will fluctuate daily. Desserts and sweets should not be used too much. By forcing children to finish their meal before dessert, you may force them to overeat. Set a good example by eating a wide variety of foods and providing a pleasant eating environment.
  • Eat Slowly, Enjoy Your Food:
    Slow eating is always healthy eating. It is advisable not to watch TV while eating. Set and example by stating to your child that healthy eating is respected and good for the child's health.

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