Friday, September 14, 2007

Alternatif Health Care: 7 Ways to energize you

  1. Eat 5 times a day in a small portion to maintain your glucose.
  2. Allow yourself to sleep 15 minutes after lunch. This will improve your consentration and maintain your spirit to work. Our brain maximize everything before and after sleep into our memory.
  3. Think about sex, this usually very powerful ways to burn your spirit.
  4. Get a glass of fresh orange juice in the middle of your hot day. THis will relief pressure to your body.
  5. Brush your teeth and drink a glass of cold water. The cold will wake your body system to be more alert.
  6. Enjoy masking and messaging your face and neck.
  7. Save a bottle of cold water with a special sprayer on it. When you feel tired, spray it to your face to eliminate the dry feeling.

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