Saturday, May 31, 2008


Meningitis is a potentially fatal inflammation of the meninges, or membranes, covering the brain and spinal cord. The causative organisms, usually bacterial or viral, gain access to the cerebrospinal fluid and follow the space around vessels. The epidemic disease called
Transmission is by direct contact between people. The initial symptoms of meningitis are extreme headache, rapidly rising fever, stiffness of the neck, and extreme irritability and drowsiness. Further progression depends on the causative agents and the health of the host. The patient may experience deafness, muscle weakness in the face, and other sign of nerve paralysis.

Convulsions, mental retardation, and behavioral disturbances may also occur, and may remain in some cases. Many patients recover fully. Diagnosis is often made by lumbar puncture (spinal tap), whereby direct access is gained to the site of infection. Special stains and culture of the extracted fluid will often identify the specific organism so that proper therapy vaccine against. Haemophilus influenzae
Classification of neoplasm as either benign or malignant relates to their behavior. A benign neoplasm, for instance, is encapsulated; malignant neoplasms are not. Malignancies grow more rapidly than do benign forms and invade adjacent, normal tissue. Tissue of a benign tumor is structured similarly to the tissue from which it is derived; malignant tissue has an abnormal and unstructured appearance. Most malignant tumors, in fact, show abnormalities in chromosome structure, that is, the structure of the DNA molecules that constitute the genetic materials duplicated and passed on the later generations of cells. Most important, benign neoplasm do not metastasize, that is, begin to grow at sites other than the point of origin, whereas malignant tumors do. The term cancer always denotes a malignant neoplasm, whereas the term of Tumor indicates a readily defined mass of tissue distinguishable from normal living tissue.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Skin Cancer

A change in a mole or other spot on the skin may be the first sign of an early malignant melanoma or other form of
A common benign mole is usually round and symmetrical, with smooth, even borders (top left). A persistence reddish patch or irritated area on the arms, legs, or shoulders may be a sign of basal-cell carcinoma (top right). Some forms of early malignant melanoma have an asymmetrical shape (bottom left) or an uneven border with notched or scalloped edges (bottom right).

The form of skin cancer that is sometimes to be avoided is warts or a nibble, abnormal moles and abnormal pimple or acne. If you have this abnormal sign on your skin you must check this condition to the doctor to make sure that those conditions are not including to dangerous cancer.

Monday, May 26, 2008


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Lose Weight Naturally

Lose weight naturally means that rather than counting every calorie or scratching entire food groups from your diet, make healthful eating — along with fitness and stress reduction — a part of your daily lifestyle.

By thinking of weight loss not as a primary goal but rather as a by-product of making important health choices, you are on your way to addressing the underlying causes of weight gain — not merely the symptoms.

This approach can benefit you for long term result then other lose weight methods. How can you lose your weight naturally? Here are some key habits that you can do:

Healthful diet

Remember this: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."
These 3 points form the basis of a healthful diet:
1. Eat food. "If it’s something your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize," says Mark Hyman, M.D., author of UltraMetabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss (Scribner, 2006), "you probably shouldn't eat it." Choose whole fresh foods rather than processed food products. In other words, don't just avoid processed and refined white bread, but also limit enriched whole wheat bread, which is loaded with processed nutrients and preservatives. Fresh whole grain bread straight from the bakery would be better, while a dish of cooked wheat berries would be even more nutritious. The greater amount of food you eat that is whole and unmodified (rather than being a food product), the more healthful (and — believe it or not — satisfying) your diet will be.
2. Not too much. There's no getting around that one of the most healthful and effective techniques for weight loss is moderate calorie restriction. Since weight loss boils down to consuming fewer calories than you burn, portion control is a non-negotiable element. To safely lose weight, shoot for a deficit of 250 to 500 calories per day — anything greater could leave you very hungry and more vulnerable to impulsive indulgences with bad-for-you food.
Tip: Restricting the number of calories is one of the most difficult requirements to weight loss. Try substituting quality for quantity. You may find that by choosing organic whole foods, you'll need less to feel satiated.
3. Mostly plants. Vegetables should make up the largest portion of your diet, as the antioxidants in fresh produce have a powerful effect against the free radicals in our bodies. Also, since vegetables (especially leafy ones) are low in carbohydrates, eating a plant-based diet translates into fewer calories overall. Remember, variety not only adds spice but longevity, too. As omnivores, we require a certain amount of complexity in our diet in order to stay healthy. Include as many different colors and varieties of fruits and vegetables in your diet as you can.
Proper hydration Don't underestimate the importance of drinking water for weight loss. Sufficient water intake is crucial for you to achieve optimal digestion, absorption, circulation and waste excretion.
Depending on how much produce you eat, the climate you live in and how much you exercise, you should be drinking an average of 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. Remember that fruit juice, tea, coffee and sodas don't count as water.
We often misinterpret thirst as hunger — which throws off our natural appetite cues. By staying properly hydrated throughout the day, you will deter false hunger pangs and be able to more easily discern your true hunger levels. Another bonus? Staying hydrated fights fatigue, giving you more energy to stick with your exercise plan.
Tip: Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go so that you have no excuse for getting parched.

Natural supplements

While your focus should be on getting nutrition from whole foods rather than relying on supplements, ensuring basic nutritional support through a few well-chosen supplements is a reasonable backup. Begin with a high-quality multivitamin and mineral combination, and choose a brand that doesn’t contain fillers, binders, coloring agents, gluten or lactose.
For natural compounds that may speed up weight loss, consider calcium, chromium and green tea supplements. While it is unclear how effective these supplements may be in enhancing weight loss, they have few known risks and some potential benefits. Nonetheless, it is not standard medical practice to recommend them.

Calcium (400 to 500 milligrams daily) may play a role in weight control by regulating energy metabolism. Chromium (400 micrograms daily) appears to improve insulin function and blood sugar control — which may make weight control easier. The caffeine and antioxidant catechins in green tea can help enhance calorie burning by increasing thermogenesis (the production of heat in cells). You can either drink several cups a day or take it in capsule form (anywhere from 250 to 500 milligrams daily)

Tip: Taking your vitamins and supplements (either with a meal or just before) may reduce stomach upset.

Stress reduction

Stress and weight gain are closely related. Stress can cause your adrenal glands to release adrenaline and cortisol into your bloodstream, which in turn can cause the body to conserve fat.
Chronic stress throws your metabolism out of whack and can lead to weight gain regardless of calorie intake. Cortisol (the stress hormone) makes your body less sensitive to other hormones — most notably to leptin, the hormone that tells your brain when you are full.
There are other factors at work (i.e., the fact that people turn to food to comfort themselves in times of stress).
Relaxation, experts say, is the best defense against stress. "When someone learns how to consciously acknowledge the presence of stress, he can then make a deliberate choice in how he'll react to it," says Steven Gurgevich, Ph.D., author of The Self-Hypnosis Diet: Use the Power of Your Mind to Make Any Diet Work for You (Sounds True, 2007). "Instead of 'emotional eating,' they can take a brisk walk, do something productive or use an active or passive relaxation technique."
Tip: Meditation, yoga, prayer, baths, music, tai chi, hypnosis and breathing exercises all may induce the relaxation response.


For people who are more than moderately overweight, exercise can be daunting (at best) and even physically excruciating due to the pressure your weight puts on your joints. But you have to start somewhere: Wendy McClure, a fitness consultant and trainer listed by Men's Journal as one of America’s 100 Best Trainers, says very heavy people should not jump into an exercise boot camp. "I often suggest beginning with classes in a pool, because they can move freely in the water for a long period of time without joint problems," she says. Walking is another excellent way to launch an exercise program. Walking as little as 15 minutes a day could significantly improve your health. The more out of shape you are, the more fitness gains you will experience early on. Use a pedometer — available for as little as $10 — and slowly build up to 10,000 steps a day (about 4 to 5 miles). Studies show that this level of activity can reduce blood pressure, significantly increase calorie burn and improve cardio fitness (again, particularly in people who are less fit to begin with).No matter your baseline fitness level, choose activities you enjoy (ice skating, rock climbing, square dancing), and do them with people you like. Many studies show that people are more likely to stick with an exercise program if they have an activity buddy —the commitment drives people to show up even on days when their motivation is low. Also, don't be a fair-weather friend to exercise. "A consistent routine of exercising each day... shows the best and most successful results," McClure says. It is healthier — and safer — to exercise for 20 to 30 minutes a day on most days than to procrastinate all week and try to punish yourself for 2 hours on a Saturday.

Success with a natural weight-loss approach doesn't equal quick results. By introducing long-term and lasting changes instead of drastic, unsustainable ones, you may lose weight more slowly — perhaps only a pound a week. Still, the more gradual the loss is, the more likely that the pounds will be gone for good.

Go lose your weight naturally and have a healthier life.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The ruler and hourglass body shape

The ruler body

This is another body shape that is common in men. Women with ruler bodies are often reffered as having boyish figures with few curves, and seem tobe naturally thin without even trying – just like celebrities Keira Khightly and Gwyneth Paltrow.

Their figures are squarish because the width of their bust, waist and hips vary slightly.
Rulers seem to be eating all the time without getting any fatter.

Although it might sound like a good problem to have, ruler-shaped bodies often wish they could put on some weight and have a fuller figure rather than looking thin.
Such a figure does have its benefits, such as missing out the myriad health problems associated with too much body fat, but it is believed that such a body has a higher risk of developing osteoporosis.

The hourglass figure

This body shape applies only to females. Hollywood legends such as Marilyn Monroe were regarded as having the perfect hourglass figure, but now it’s back in fashion – with Scarlett Johansson and Catherine Zeta Jones.

Women with an hourglass figure have soulders and hips of a similar width and a smaller waist, giving them classic female curves without looking too skinny.
The trouble is that hourglass shaped women often find they put on weight quite easily, while finding is difficult to build muscle.

That means maintaining those curves will require a healthy, low fat diet and regular cardiovascular exercise.

Now that you know what body shape you are and realize that it is genetically determined, let this be the basic for making sure that you are
You can also find more about
The pear-shaped body

Men or women woth pear shaped figures are usually bottom heavy. They appear to have a narrow upper body compared to their wider lower body.
And if you need some celebrity idol with a pear-shaped figure, look no further than Jennifer Lopez.
Research has shown that people with this body shape show less risk of developing heart conditions. This could be because hip-fat contains a natural anti-inflammatory element called adiponectin, which prevents arteries from swelling up and becoming blocked.
Storing fat around the hips also has far fewer health risks than storing fat around the waist, although as with all body shapes, it’s important to work hard and eat balanced meal to maintain a healthy weight.

The apple-shaped body

Many men are considered to be apple-shaped – their bodies have a silhouette that resembles an upside down triangle. This is definitely a common body-type for men, but not for women.

Women with an apple-shaped figure will have afuller bust and waist, but smaller bum, and will tend to accumulate weight around their stomach rather than around their hips.
Keep that waistline in check to reduce risk of heart disease or diabetes. A healthy diet and active lifestyle are essential, as is an active lifestyle. Toning and strengthening the upper body will benefit “apples” greatly.

Next: The ruler and hourglass body shapes.


In modern society cancer is the disease most feared by the majority of people throughout the world, supplanting the "white death" or
The study of cancer is known as the field of oncology. In the early 1990s nearly 6 million new cancer cases and more than 4 million deaths from cancer were being reported worldwide each year. The leading fatal cancer in the world is lung cancer, which has risen rapidly because of the spread of cigarette smoking in developing countries. Stomach cancer, prevalent in Asia, is the second most fatal form of cancer in men, after lung cancer. Also on the increase is the leading killer of women, breast cancer. The fourth on the list is colon or rectum cancer, a disease that mainly strikes the elderly. In the United States in the early 1990s more than one-fifth of all deaths were caused by
In 1993 the American Cancer Society predicted that about 33 percent of Americans will eventually develop some form of the disease. Skin cancer is the most prevalent cancer in both men and women, followed by prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women. Lung cancer, however, causes the most deaths in both men and women.
Because minor injuries often occur, the clotting process is almost constantly taking place somewhere in the
Blood Transfusions
Transfusions involve the intravenous administration of blood from a donor to a patient. The procedure's safety and effectiveness relates, in large measure, to careful donor selection and to pre-transfusion testing.
There is no true artificial substitute for blood. Some experimental solutions can transport oxygen to the tissues temporarily, and synthetic plasma substitutes are used to raise Anemia is a deficiency of
In some persons, the concentration of red cells and of hemoglobin in the blood may be abnormally increased, rather than decreased, resulting in polycythemia. This is usually caused by an increased production of red cells, but in some persons it may be caused by a decreased volume of
Deficiency of circulating granulocytes with poor resistance to infection, may occur in many diseases. One common cause is the use of X rays and toxic drugs to treat many malignant diseases.

A great increase in abnormal leukecytes may occur for unknown reasons, resulting in the diseases known as the leukemias. These range from the
The number of platelets can severely decrease, with danger of bleeding. Perhaps the most common cause of platelet deficiency, or thrombocytopenia, is an autoimmune disease related to autoimmune hemolytic anemia. The difference is that, in these cases, the body produces antibodies that attack only the platelets.

Deficiencies of one or more of the plasma coagulation factors may also cause
Thromboembolic Diseases
Abnormal clotting in the blood vessels, known as thromboembolic disease, may be caused by an excess of one or more of the plasma clothing factors, or at times to a deficiency of one of the fibrinolytic factors. This group of disorders is one of the most common causes of death in middle aged and elderly persons.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

What Is My Body Shape - Shape Really Does Matter

What is my body shape? The answer is that there are 4 human body shapes. Can you imagine, if everyone had the same body shape, the world would be a boring place. Thankfully, everybody has a different body type and shape. Just as our facial features are inherited genetically, our body shapes are, too. That’s why you often hear people say,”I’ve inherited my mother’s waist and hips” or “I’ve got my dad’s shoulders and height”.
It is obvious that our body shapes affect our lives in a number of different ways. Our body shapes often determine what and how much we eat and exercise, what we wear and how we feel about ourselves.
Men and women often are commonly described as having pear, apple or ruler shaped bodies. These terms are used to describe the areas where the body has a tendency of storing fat.
For example, pears tend to store fat below their waist, usually on their hips and thoghs, whole apples store fat above their waists, around the mid section.
The fourth body shape that only women have is the hourglass figure.
While it is almost impossible to alter your body shape completely, there are things you can do to look after your body – and look your best no matter what body shape you have.
Now you have known the answer about your body shape. We’ll see about
In a five year study of more than 2,000 youngsters, those who skipped breakfast weighed om average 2.3 kg more than those who ate first thing in the day, the BBC reported. And this was so even though the breakfast eaters consumed more calories in the course of the day.

But the study in the journal Pediatrics found that those who ate breakfast – and then ate more during the day – were likely to be mote active.

The research adds weight to evidence that people who eat breakfast – whatever their age – are leaner than those who do not.

“It may seem counter-intuitive,” said Mark Pereira, who led the research. “But while they ate more calories, they did more to burn those off, and that may be because those who ate breakfast did not feel so lethargic.

“While it’s best to go for a healthy option, a wholegrain cereal for instance, the evidence does seem to suggest that eating anything is better than eating nothing at all.”
Around 25 percent of the group in the study regularly missed breakfast, and the problem was particularly pronounced among young women.

“They skip breakfast because they worry about weight gain – and it’s ironic that the ones who aren’t worried and eat in the mornings are the ones who keep their weight down,” said Pereira.
Tam Fry, chairman of the Child Growth Foundation at the National Obesity Forum, said the findings of the study showed just how important it was to relay a clear and consistent message to young people.

“If you eat well first thing, you’ll feel brighter, you’ll have more get up and go and you’ll expend more energy. Eating regular meal is vital, and a proper breakfast is very important.”

Skipping breakfast does not help you lose weight!

Wholegrain cereal is best. But anything is better than no breakfast. You are likely to be more active and burn off more calories during the day if you do eat breakfast because you won’t feel lethargic. Those who eat breakfast are more likely to keep their weight down.

So, don’t do skipping breakfast to lose your weight.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

White Blood Cells

There are three types; granulocytes, lymphocytes, and monocytes.
Platelets, or thrombocytes, are tiny bits of cytoplasm, much smaller than the red blood cells but lacking a nucleus. They are round or biconcave disks and are normally about 30 to 40 times more numerous than the white blood cells. They are produced as broken fragments of the megakaryocytes. The plateletss' primary function is in the clotting process described below.

Plasma is a complex, colorless solution, about 90 percent water, that carries different ions and molecules, including protein, enzymes, hormones, nutrients, waste materials such as urea, and fibrinogen, the protein that aids in clotting. The most abundant plasma protein is albumin, which normally keeps a large portion of the body water in the blood. When the plasma albumin concentration becomes dangerously low, because of disease, free water collects in the tissues outside the blood vessels, producing swelling called edema.

Globulin are large protein molecules of many chemical structures and functions. The
An important function of plasma is to transport nutrients to the tissue. Glucose, absorb from the bowels, constitutes a major source of
Red Blood Cells
Red blood cells, or erythrocytes, are tiny, round, biconcave disks averaging7.5 microns (0.003 in) in diameter. A normal 76.5 kg (170-lb) main has about 5 l (5.3 qt) of blood, containing more than 25 trillion red cells. Because the normal life span of red cells is only about 120 days, more than 200 billion cells are normally destroyed each day by the spleen and must be replaced. Red cells are made in the bone marrow.

The main function of the red blood cells is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissue. Oxidations of various food substances to supply most of the energy requirements of the body results in carbon dioxide, one of the chief waste products, and red blood cells carry it to the lungs for release and to pick up more oxygen.

The substance in the red blood cells that is largely responsible for their ability to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide is hemoglobin, the material that gives the cells their red color. Produced in the bone marrow and broken down in the spleen, it is a protein complex comprising many linked amino acids, and occupies almost the entire volume of a red blood cell. Essential to its structure and function is iron.

Blood Typing
The cell wall contains many antigenic proteins, which determine the blood type. Among these proteins are the antigens. A and B, the major blood group factors. Blood with antigen B is group B. Blood with both antigens is called AB, and blood with neither is called group O. Normally, the plasma of every person contains an antibody against the A or B antigens in the red cells are determined by mixing the cells with known typing serums. The antibodies in the serum or plasma are determined by mixing it with cells of known A or B type. Such typing is necessary in preparation for blood transfusion. Antigens of the various Rh and Hr types, M and N, S and Kell, Duffy, and many others also exist in the red blood cell. All like the A and B antigens, are inherited. When the red cell antigens are determined, they show so many different combinations as to make a persons blood type almost as individual as a fingerprint.

Antibodies against antigens other than A and B do not normally occurs in the plasma. They may appear after transfusion, however, and may cause transfusion reactions and destruction of red blood cells or hemolytic disease of the
The appearance of abnormal changes, or lesions, in the skin is an important element in diagnosis and treatment. Various lesions can occur, not all of them diseases related. A flat lesion of a color differing from surrounding skin is called a Freckle. A papule is a solid, elevated by superficial mass, such as a raised Mole or a Wart. A wheal is a The appearance of such lesions may be modified by secondary changes. These include scales or flakes of dead skin, as seen in Psoriasis and Dandruff; crusts, typically dried masses of material that have oozed out as in impetigo; fissures, or sharp breaks, as seen in athlete's foot; Ulcers, or destruction of one or more skin layers, exposing underlying tissue replacing lost tissue; and lichenification, a thickened scaly area in which normal skin creases and lines are exaggerated. Lesions may be seen in several different lesions.

Malignant Tumors
Any metastasizing tumor from else where in the body may appear in the skin. Many malignant tumors also originate in the skin. Four should be mentioned. Basal cell carcinoma may originate from basal cells of the epidermis. It almost never metastasizes, and it is easily cured. Squamous cell carcinoma does metastasize. Both tumors are common, especially in the elderly and in those overexposed to the Sun. Malignant melanoma derives from the same embryonic nervous tissue that produces moles. Finally, the once rare tumor called Kaposi's sarcoma has become more frequent because of

Thyroid hormone secretion is controlled by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), or thyrotropin, from the anterior pituitary. In turn the resultant increase in the level of thyroid hormones in the blood serves to signal the pituitary to stop releasing the thyrotropin. This haemostatic mechanism keeps the level of thyroid hormones in the circulatory system within a constant range. A lack of thyroid function in infants causes cretinism, whereas a loss or low levels of the thyroid hormones later in life result in hypothyroidism, or myxedema and possibly Goiter. Over production of the hormones, or hyperthyroidism, also may result in goiter.

Thyroid Function Test

A thyroid function test measures the efficiency of thyroxine and triiodothyronine production by the

The main function of thymus is to process l
The tapeworm head (scolex) has hooks or suckers used to attack the parasite to the host’s intestinal lining. The “body” is composed of segments (proglottids) which are separate, sexually functional individuals that can synchronize their muscular activity to keep the colony mobile.

An addult pork tapeworm lives in the intestines of humans, folding itself in accordion style to fit its long body into small spaces. A pork tapeworm, which grows up to 10 m (33 ft) long, can live in the small intestine, which is 6 m (20 ft) long. Humans get tapeworms by eating poorly cooked pork that is infested with tapeworm eggs.

Younger proglottids have testes; are the worm get older, the testes shrivel up and are replaced by ovaries and a uterus. Proglottids having male sex organs release sperm that travel to the older proglottids and fertilize the eggs.

Proglottids that contain developing embryos break away and are excreted with feces. Larvae develop and, if the waste matter is eaten by an animal, become dormant and encrysted in the
Most headaches are caused not by organic disease but by fatigue, emotional disorders, or
Brain tissue itself is insensitive to pain, as is the bony covering of the brain (the cranium). Headache pain results from the stimulation of such pain-sensitive structures as the membranous linings of the brain (the meninges) and the nerves of the cranium and upper neck. This stimulation can be produced by inflammation, by the dilation of blood vessels of the head, or by muscle spasms in the neck and head. Headache brought on by muscle spasms are classified as tension headaches; those caused by the dilation of blood vessel are called vascular headaches. The major groupings of headaches besides those brought on by organic disorders are Tension Headaches and Vascular Headaches.

Almost 90% of all persons seeking medical help for headaches suffer from tension headaches. These are characterized by a diffuse ache that either spreads over the entire head of feels a tight headband.

The most common types of vascular headache are migraine and cluster headaches, for which no known cure exist. About 60% of all migraine sufferers are women, and most patients first develop symptoms between the ages of 10 and 30. In approximately 30% of all cases, migraine attacks are preceded by warning signs such as blind spots, zigzag flashing lights, numbness in parts of the body, and distorted visual images.

Migraine pain almost always occurs on only one side and is usually accompanied by nausea. Factors that may trigger migraine attacks

Hepatitis A formerly infectious hepatitis, is the most common cause of acute hepatitis. Usually transmitted by food and water contaminated by human waste, epidemics can develop in regions with poor sanitary systems. Hepatitis B spreads mainly by The Process of ovum fission could be overcome before the ovum being

This happening also just happen on the story below:

A The baby, Lali, apparently has an extremely rare condition known as craniofacial duplication, where a single head has two faces. Except for her ears, all of Lali's facial features are duplicated -- she has two noses, two pairs of lips and two pairs of eyes.
"My daughter is fine -- like any other child," said Vinod Singh, 23, a poor farm worker

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Masturbation in Preschool children

I recently had a 3 year old child from Canada. The parents that thier child had possibly a recurrent pinworm infection (as stated by their health care provider). On detailed questioning it was found that the child enjoyed rubbing her genitals againt any surface, as opposed to scratching with her fingers. This suggested a diagnosis of masturbation.The following information is by Dr. Barton Schmitt, and taken from the Virtual hospital website. This may come as a shock, but it is estimated that almost 30% of toddlers and preschoolers masturbate. Masturbation is self-stimulation of the genitals for pleasure and self-comfort. It is a normal, healthy activity at any age. During masturbation, children usually rub themselves with their hands. Girls may rock against an object such as a stuffed animal or pillow. Children usually appear dazed, flushed, and preoccupied while they are masturbating. These children have discovered masturbation during normal exploration of their bodies and it continues because it feels good. Masturbation becomes frequent only if the child is pressured to stop. That invites a power struggle.Try these approaches instead:o First, set realistic goals. It’s impossible to eliminate masturbation. All that you can control is where it occurs. Accept it in the bedroom or bathroom or at nap time.o Second, ignore masturbation at naptime or at bedtime. Don’t check on your child at these times.o Third, distract your child from masturbation at other times. Try a toy or a new activity. If this fails, send your child to his room. You can’t ignore it, or your child will feel he can masturbate anywhere. Your child will catch on to privacy and modesty somewhere between the ages of four and six.o Fourth, be sure no one punishes your child for this. It’s counterproductive.o Finally, if you’re having trouble accepting this normal behavior, talk with your child’s doctor.My suggestion: Please remember that there is no sexual element in preschooler masturbation, it is just a pleasurable sensation generated by self-exploration, do not let your guilt, feeling about sex influence your atitude towards the child. Try to be nonchalant about the whole thing, and inform the child that it is inappropriate to carry out this activity in public. In a way, it would be equivalent to thumb-sucking or any similar activity that the child indulges in while he is bored or alone.For more help from experts visit us at and ask question online.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sleep Hygiene for Children

My sister-in-law has an adorable 1 year old boy. This otherwise happy baby however becomes a extreemly fussy, irritable and cranky at least once/ twice a day.... Reason: Sleep time! In my practice I have come across innumerable instances of children having a lot of difficulty in falling of to sleep.Listed below are a few tips to help get your child to sleep without a lot of fussHave a set bedtime and bedtime routine for your child.Bedtime and wake-up time should be about the same time on school nights and non-school nights. There should not be more than about an hour difference from one day to another.Make the hour before bed shared quiet time. Avoid such high-energy activities as rough play, and stimulating activities such as watching TV or playing computer games just before bed.Don't send your child to bed hungry. A light snack (such as milk and cookies) before bed is a good idea. Heavy meals within an hour or two of bedtime, however, may interfere with sleep.Avoid products containing caffeine for at least several hours before bedtime. These include caffeinated sodas, coffee, tea, and chocolate.Make sure your child spends time outside every day whenever possible and is involved in regular exercise.Keep your child's bedroom quiet and dark. A low-level nightlight is acceptable for children who find completely dark rooms frightening.Keep your child's bedroom at a comfortable temperature during the night (less than 75 degrees).Don't use your child's bedroom for time-out or punishment.Keep the television set out of your child's bedroom. Children can easilydevelop the bad habit of “needing” the TV to fall asleep. It's also much moredifficult to control your child's TV viewing if the set is in the bedroom.If you have question then you can post your question at
Labels: Use a steamer with a closed top- this way there is a negligible chance of the child getting burnt in case of a spill.
Do not force the child to take steam, it is invariably preferable to try and earn their co-operation than to try and force them.
Keep the steamer near the bedside (on the floor) with the steam jet directed towards the child's face while they are sleeping.
For a smaller child (upto 6-8 months), keeping the baby in your lap while you take steam with a blanket/ cloth covering your face and the child is useful. Remember not to put the baby's face very close to the steam as there skin is very sensitive.
For an older child another option is to switch on the hot and cold water in the bathroom to create a sauna like effect and get the child inside and play with him/ tell him a story etc.
Keeping the steamer on in the bedroom is not very effective for giving steam as the room size is likely to be large. However this technique can be used in addition to the ones described (to reduce the dryness) above especially when you are using a heater/ warm air blower in the room.
For all kind of medical information from doctors, you can contact us at
Labels: Depression Causes and Treatments, Online Medical Help

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