Saturday, May 17, 2008

What Is My Body Shape - Shape Really Does Matter

What is my body shape? The answer is that there are 4 human body shapes. Can you imagine, if everyone had the same body shape, the world would be a boring place. Thankfully, everybody has a different body type and shape. Just as our facial features are inherited genetically, our body shapes are, too. That’s why you often hear people say,”I’ve inherited my mother’s waist and hips” or “I’ve got my dad’s shoulders and height”.
It is obvious that our body shapes affect our lives in a number of different ways. Our body shapes often determine what and how much we eat and exercise, what we wear and how we feel about ourselves.
Men and women often are commonly described as having pear, apple or ruler shaped bodies. These terms are used to describe the areas where the body has a tendency of storing fat.
For example, pears tend to store fat below their waist, usually on their hips and thoghs, whole apples store fat above their waists, around the mid section.
The fourth body shape that only women have is the hourglass figure.
While it is almost impossible to alter your body shape completely, there are things you can do to look after your body – and look your best no matter what body shape you have.
Now you have known the answer about your body shape. We’ll see about
In a five year study of more than 2,000 youngsters, those who skipped breakfast weighed om average 2.3 kg more than those who ate first thing in the day, the BBC reported. And this was so even though the breakfast eaters consumed more calories in the course of the day.

But the study in the journal Pediatrics found that those who ate breakfast – and then ate more during the day – were likely to be mote active.

The research adds weight to evidence that people who eat breakfast – whatever their age – are leaner than those who do not.

“It may seem counter-intuitive,” said Mark Pereira, who led the research. “But while they ate more calories, they did more to burn those off, and that may be because those who ate breakfast did not feel so lethargic.

“While it’s best to go for a healthy option, a wholegrain cereal for instance, the evidence does seem to suggest that eating anything is better than eating nothing at all.”
Around 25 percent of the group in the study regularly missed breakfast, and the problem was particularly pronounced among young women.

“They skip breakfast because they worry about weight gain – and it’s ironic that the ones who aren’t worried and eat in the mornings are the ones who keep their weight down,” said Pereira.
Tam Fry, chairman of the Child Growth Foundation at the National Obesity Forum, said the findings of the study showed just how important it was to relay a clear and consistent message to young people.

“If you eat well first thing, you’ll feel brighter, you’ll have more get up and go and you’ll expend more energy. Eating regular meal is vital, and a proper breakfast is very important.”

Skipping breakfast does not help you lose weight!

Wholegrain cereal is best. But anything is better than no breakfast. You are likely to be more active and burn off more calories during the day if you do eat breakfast because you won’t feel lethargic. Those who eat breakfast are more likely to keep their weight down.

So, don’t do skipping breakfast to lose your weight.

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