Monday, February 11, 2008

Benefits of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation is actually an endless possibilities. The ultimate of the full-time meditator is to remain in a state of ‘ reality awareness’ long enough to perceive what life and the universe is about. However, for full-time and part-time meditators, the short-term benefits of meditation consist of :

  • greater equilibrium and clarity of mind, naturally leading to greater patience and tolerance of others
  • less stress, because seemingly stressful things are see in perspective and therefore provoke a more positive reaction
  • better health, because positive ,mental attitudes can help to heal physical and emotional problems
  • fewer unrealistic expectations of people or things, therefore less disappointments and better relationships
  • more realistic and positive self-image as our perception of reality broadens and deepens
Well, that's a short list of the benefits of meditation that you can achieve. But actually, as you progress through your practice, you will find many other benefits from your meditation.
So, good luck with your experiments.

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