Thursday, November 24, 2005

Think Zinc - An Essential Nutrient

Zinc is found in practically every cell in your body. There are about two grams of zinc where it is highly concentrated in the skin, hair, nails, eyes and testes.

Sexually active men need one third more zinc than women. With the exception of breast-feeding women, because the infant will absorb larger amounts of its mother’s zinc supply than normal.

Zinc is a precious mineral. Although our need for this mineral may be small, it plays an enormous part in growth and well-being. This need starts before birth.

It is needed for healthy skin and hair, proper healing of wounds, successful pregnancies and male virility. It also guards against infection and diseases.

Zinc also helps to transport Vitamin A to the retina in the eye. It is a constituent of many enzymes involved in metabolism. There are 156 enzymes that require zinc to be able to function.

Growth and sexual maturity depend on zinc.

What Is An Enzyme?

Enzymes are a protein that helps to break down the nutrients we take into the body through the food we eat; this in turn helps our metabolism.

What Is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the speed that the food we eat is absorbed and used by the body for normal daily living.

How Does Zinc Get Into The Body?

The body cannot manufacture Zinc; it has to be taken into the body by what you eat.

Food Sources are:

Oysters, Red Meat, Beans, Dairy Products, Poultry, Nuts and Whole Grains, Liver and Seeds.

The recommended daily dietary requirements of zinc are 15 mg. Vegetarians may suffer from a zinc deficiency, due to not eating red meat. Most of our intake of zinc is from our eating protein foods.

So a vegetarian should be sure to eat dairy products, beans and lentils. Pumpkin seeds provide one of the most concentrated vegetarian food sources of zinc.

Zinc is lost via the faeces, urine, hair, skin, sweat, semen and also menstruation.

Deficiency can result in weight loss, skin diseases, loss of hair, poor appetite, diarrhoea and frequent infection.

Those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis may have a zinc deficiency. And heavy drinkers lose a great deal of zinc in their urine.

If you don’t eat enough zinc providing food, you should take Supplementation.

Zinc in Combination

Zinc is usually found in combination with Calcium and Vitamin C.

What Zinc Can Do For You?

It helps to support a healthy Immune System. For example in Wound Healing. Also it helps you to taste and smell.

For normal growth and development during Pregnancy and Childhood Zinc is essential.

Too Much Zinc Can Be Bad For You.

Excess zinc is toxic. In other words it can poison the body. Too much will interfere with the metabolism of other minerals in the body, eg iron and copper.

Symptoms of too much zinc can include nausea, vomiting and fever.

For your good Health ……… Think Zinc.

Copyright 2005
Building a strong immune system is essential for the body to recognize and eliminate cancerous cells. Cancer is a disease resulting from uncontrolled defective cell division from damaged genes from any parts of the body. A weaker or impaired immunity will increase your susceptibility to various bacterial and virus infection, allergies, eczema, chronic fatigue, sickness and aging prematurely also.
Modern advanced technology and scientific research have helped to unlock the many preventive and healing secrets in Chinese herbs.

History of Ancient Herbal Remedy

Its Chinese name is Lingzhi which means “herb of the spirit”. It was a very rare and precious Chinese herb in ancient time and Emperors of the great Chinese dynasties and Japanese royalty drank teas and concoctions of Lingzhi for vitality and long life.

For over 2000 years Reishi mushroom has been the most cherished and sought after medicinal herb in Asia and rated as one of the superior herbs in the "Seng Nong's Herbal Classic", a 2000-year old medicinal Chinese book for:

  • its efficacy for multiple diseases
  • maintaining and restoring balance to the body’s interdependent systems
  • safety in long-term consumption with no unfavorable side-effects
  • natural resistance of the body and longevity
The dried powder of reishi was popular as a cancer chemotherapy agent in ancient China. Research has shown that reishi clearly demonstrated anticancer activity with cancer cells and has possible therapeutic potential as a dietary supplement for an alternative therapy for breast and prostate cancer.

Medicinal mushrooms such as Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi) and Cordyceps have well been documented in many recent scientific studies to be potent medicine to enhance and support the body’s immune function from certain compounds in them such as polysaccharides which increase the activity of the body’s natural killer cells(lymphocytes) that are vital to eliminate foreign cells(such as cancer cells).

Supporting research reports published in the Journal of Alternative Complement Med. 2003, Journal of Cancer Integrative Medicine 2004, International Journal of Oncology 2004, FASEB 2004 showed that reishi clearly:
  • demonstrates anticancer activity in experiments with cancer cells
  • protects the liver and improves liver functions
  • has possible therapeutic potential as a dietary supplement for an alternative therapy for breast and prostate cancer
Health Benefits of Reishi(Ganoderma Lucidum):
  • supports the body’s own immune system by promoting the activity of antibodies
  • improves the body's resistance to stress and infections
  • balances stress response
  • reduces allergies
  • promotes healthy liver function
  • enhances the body’s detoxifying process to reduce accumulated toxins
  • inhibits invasiveness of breast and prostate cancer cells
  • supports a normal, restful sleep
  • enhances vitality and energy
Tips to select the Best Reishi
  • choose red reishi – it has the highest quality extract and has most scientific evaluations
  • choose those with cracked spores – which release the medicinal benefits and better absorbed by body
  • solid wood log cultivation – this determines the potency of the resulting fungus
  • look for Good Manufacturing Practice(GMP) standards – this ensures the stability of active bio-components harvested
  • standardization of active constituents – the effectiveness of reishi lies in its polysaccharides and triterpenes contents
Many commercial preparations are available, such as extracts, dietary supplement, tinctures, dried fruiting bodies, teas and teabags, tonics and pills.

At least in western societies, females are considered uncouth or even unkempt/unclean if they're not shaving their armpits.

Just consider the type of negative press any female well known in the media gets if/when it's revealed she's not shaving her armpits. Remember that shot of Julia Roberts with her arm raised exposing a tuft of dark hair? No matter how much we adore Julia - On some level, this tarnished her "clean" image.

You may disagree with this and you may even be justified to take exception to society dictating how you look, but the truth remains that if you aren't shaving your armpits, you're a bit of an outcast.

I don't know about you, but I believe there are much more important issues to deal with, like stopping the use of animals for testing cosmetic products, protecting children from abuse, preventing domestic violence of all types, caring better for our elderly citizens, right down to cleaning up and preserving our planet, to name a few ... That are much more important than whether or not I have to be shaving my armpits.

I have a good friend who often reminds me, "Choose your battles wisely". Which means we all need to decide what issues are really important enough to fight for. Frankly, not shaving my armpits is not one of them.

Politics aside - It remains that shaving our armpits is a "necessary evil", if you will, of living in this privileged society.

So - The issue becomes, what's the best way of removing hair from our armpits?

I haven't heard it recommended that females use a depilatory to remove under arm hair. Probably because the chemicals are too harsh for this sensitive skin and there's a rumor that these chemicals can be easily absorbed in this area.

Nor have I heard about females having their armpit hair waxed. And honestly, I have to plead ignorance as to why not. There are probably a host of females who are having it done, I just haven't come across any information about it in my research.

That brings us back to shaving our armpits.

And while that sounds simple enough, as with most things, there's a catch.

It's called a wet razor. The shaving tool introduced to me when it came my time to start shaving my armpits.

Unfortunately, no one instructed me about the proper ways to start shaving my armpits with a wet razor, so the majority of my life I just suffered the fire under my arms for the first couple of days after shaving.

One thing I don't understand - In my research, I've seen it suggested, repeatedly, that you can use a white stick deodorant to limit skin abrasions after shaving. Yeah right -

It's a well known fact, (and common sense should tell you), and if all else fails - Just read the back of any deodorant ... The last thing you want to do after, "scraping", your skin raw with a razor is apply a strong, chemical based substance.

Hello ...

Instead, just dust your armpits with a talc free powder, or maybe a little cornstarch. Both of these work great on a baby's bottom to prevent diaper rashes, so you know they'll work to put out the fire of shaving your armpits.

Better yet - You could do some research and find out about newer, safer shaving tools to help you stop setting a fire when shaving your armpits.

I haven't had a fire from shaving my armpits for years. And let me tell you - What a relief.

Threading is an ancient method of hair removal still used in many countries in the Middle East as well as India and Pakistan. Called khite in Arabic and fatlah in Egyptian, it's a less common method in the West for removing hair at the root. Traditionally, threading is used on the entire face, including upper lip, chin, eyebrows, sideburns and cheeks. Hair Threading can be done either at home or at many salons. Threading is a great solution for removing fine hair like the hair that grows above the lip. It's more effective than shaving, or bleaching, but it can be as painful as waxing depending upon how sensitive your skin is and how thick your hair grows.

The procedure is called Threading because you use normal sewing thread to remove the hair below the root. Honestly, it's quicker and easier to have it done at the salon but if you're into home remedies, here's what you need to know.

2. How does Threading work?

In general, cotton thread is twisted and rolled along the surface of the skin entwining the hair in the thread which is then lifted out from the follicle.

Start with about 2 feet of strong sewing thread. Take one end of the thread in each hand and knot them together so you end up with a continuous circle. Holding the thread with both hands, wind the thread 10 times until it resembles a bow tie. The wound portion should be in the middle. Next, slide the wound portion towards one of your hands by spreading the fingers of the other hand while closing the fingers of the other. Practice moving the wound area back and forth by alternating the fingers that you spread and close. Once you reach the point that you can easily maneuver the wound area back and forth, you are ready to proceed.

Because you have more area to work with, practice the procedure on leg hairs until you get the hang of it. Sit down on a chair and prop one leg up so it's at a comfortable height. Select the hair that you want to target. Place the wound side of the thread on one side of the hair and then lay the thread from the opposite end around both sides of the hair. Now, do the finger stretching and closing routine to quickly move the wound area to the other side of the thread. This will capture the hair and pull it from the root. Repeat the process until you have treated the entire area.

3. General Tips and Information

It sounds confusing. That's why it's recommended that you have it done at the salon the first time. Pay attention to how it's all done, and then try it at home. Threading is relatively inexpensive. Just think of paying to have it done as tuition because once you learn, you can continue to do it at home. Depending upon how quickly your hair grows back, you may only have to thread once per month. There are no real dangerous side effects to threading although, if you are especially sensitive to pain, you might find the process uncomfortable. The up side is once you learn how to perform the threading procedure, you can do it quickly and as frequently as you need to.

Threading is inexpensive, fast and neat. It's considered less painful than plucking and it's Good for eyebrows and facial hair. Like plucking, results can last up to four weeks.

Copyright 2005
Urinary Tract Infections:

At age fifty seven,a pattern began for me. A Urinary Tract Infection every two or three months over a period of a year. I was constantly taking an antibiodic. My family doctor never suggested a visit to a specialist.

By now my imagination was working overtime. I had heard all the horror stories from friends and relatives. Urinary Tract Infections can be dangerous if not treated properly. I made an appointment with a wonderful woman Urologist. She put me instantly at ease. After an extensive examination, she relieved my anxiety. No surgery was required, I was happy to hear.


The doctor explained to me that Urinary Tract Infections were common in women who are menopausal. She explained the reasons listed below:

(a) Bad bacteria get trapped in the stomach and colon.
(b) Dry vaginas are common in women. Sex could be painful.

This is the advice the doctor gave me listed below:

(1) Drink at least one 8 oz. glass of Cranberry Juice daily.
(2) Eat one 8 oz. container of yogurt with live cultures daily.
(3) Take vitamin C daily 500-1000 mgs.
(4) Use lubrication for the vagina when needed.
(5) Drink plenty of water daily.

You do not need to experience hot flashes, cold sweats, or mood swings to know you are in menopause. Every woman should visit a Urologist. Urinary Tract infections can be complicated and serious. I was lucky. My Urinary Tract Infections are gone. I hope for good. I have made the items listed above a part of my daily regiment.

by Linda Meckler
Linda was born in Pennsylvania and migrated to California with her family. She would like to see children reading. Her first book was published by Infinity Publishing. "Ghost Kids Trilogy." Three books in one. Adventure/Mystery. For children ages 8-12. The house is over 100 years old. (Book 1)Ghost Kids-Two real children Christy, 12 and her brother Brad, 16 team up with two Ghost Kids. The Ghost Kids want to be reunited with their parents.(Book 2)Blue Vase Mystery- Uncle Charlie the villian of the book is placed in a magical Blue Vase.Uncle Charlie wants out of the vase in exchange he will tell where where Pirates' Treasure is hidden in their house. (Book 3)Take an exciting trip hunting for Pirates' Treasure in the house.Order at
"The basic premise of intuitive eating is, rather than manipulate what we eat in terms of prescribed diets -- how many calories a food has, how many grams of fat, specific food combinations or anything like that -- we should take internal cues, try to recognize what our body wants and then regulate how much we eat based on hunger and satiety," says professor of health science Steven Hawks, lead researcher of an intuitive-eating study at Brigham Young University.

The findings are reported in the American Journal of Health Education.

Hawks, who adopted an intuitive-eating lifestyle himself several years ago and lost 50 pounds as a result, says that "normal" dieting in the United States doesn't result in long-term weight loss and contributes to food anxiety and unhealthy eating practices, and can even lead to eating disorders.

All Diets Work Against Human Biology

Hawks and colleagues Hala Madanat, Jaylyn Hawks and Ashley Harris identified a handful of college students who were naturally intuitive eaters and compared them with other students who were not. Participants then were tested to evaluate their health.

As measured by the Intuitive Eating Scale, developed by Hawks and others to measure the degree to which a person is an intuitive eater, the researchers found that intuitive eating correlated significantly with lower body mass index (BMI), lower triglyceride levels, higher levels of high density lipoproteins and decreased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Approximately one-third of the variance in body mass index was accounted for by intuitive eating scores, while 17 to 19 percent of the variance in blood lipid profiles and cardiovascular risk was accounted for by intuitive eating.

"The findings provide support for intuitive eating as a positive approach to healthy weight management," says Hawks, who plans to do a large-scale study of intuitive eating across several cultures.

"In less developed countries in Asia, people are primarily intuitive eaters," notes Hawks.

"They haven't been conditioned to artificially structure their relationship with food like we have in the United States. They’ve been conditioned to believe that the purpose of food is to enjoy, to nurture. You eat when you're hungry, you stop when you're not hungry any more. They have a much healthier relationship with food, far fewer eating disorders, and interestingly, far less obesity," he points out.

"What makes intuitive eating different from a diet, is that all diets work against human biology, whereas intuitive eating teaches people to work with their own biology, to work with their bodies, to understand their bodies," Hawks explains.

"Rather than a prescriptive diet, it's really about increasing awareness and understanding of your body. It's a nurturing approach to nutrition, health and fitness as opposed to a regulated, coercive, restrictive approach. That's why diets fail, and that's why intuitive eating has a better chance of being successful in the long term," he maintains.

Two Attitudes, Two Behaviors

To become an intuitive eater, a person has to adopt two attitudes and two behaviors. The first attitude is body acceptance.

"It’s an extremely difficult attitude adjustment for many people to make, but they have to come to a conscious decision that personal worth is not a function of body size," says Hawks. "Rather than having an adversarial relationship with my body, where I have to control it, and force it to submit to my will so that I can make it thin, I'm going to value my body because it allows me to accomplish some higher good with my life."

The second attitude is that dieting is harmful.

"Dieting does not lead to the results that people think it will lead to, and so I try to help people foster an anti-dieting attitude," says Hawks. "You have to say to yourself, 'I will not base my food intake on diet plans, food-based rules, good and bad foods, all of that kind of thing.' For people who are deep into dietary restraint and dietary rules, again, that's a very difficult attitude adjustment to make, to give up all those rules."

The first behavior is learning how to not eat for emotional, environmental or social reasons.

"Socially we eat all the time in our culture. We go out to eat ice cream if we break up with our boyfriend, we eat to celebrate, we eat when we're lonely, we eat when we're sad, we eat when we're stressed out," says Hawks. "Being able to recognize all the emotional, environmental and cultural relationships we have with food and finding better ways to manage our emotions is part of the process."

The second behavior is learning how to interpret body signals, cravings and hunger, and how to respond in a healthy, positive, nurturing way.

Learning the body's signals can be difficult at first, but Hawks suggests thinking about hunger and satiety on a 10-point scale, where "10" is eating until one is sick and "1" is starving.

Intuitive eaters keep themselves at or around a "5." If they feel they are getting hungry, they eat until they are back at a "5" or "6." They stop eating when they're satisfied, even if that means leaving food on the plate.

No Food Is Taboo

One part of intuitive eating that may be counterintuitive to people conditioned to restrictive dieting is the concept that with intuitive eating there is a place for every food. In other words, there is no food that's ever taboo. There's no food you can't ever have.

"Part of adopting an anti-dieting attitude is the recognition that you have unconditional permission to eat any kind of food that you want," says Hawks. "And that's scary for people who say, 'If I abandon my diet rules, then I'll fill a pillowcase full of M&M's, dive into it and never come up again. That's what I crave, I know that's what I crave, that's all I will always crave.' But that’s not the reality. The reality is that our bodies crave good nutrition."

It is dieting that creates psychological and physiological urges to binge on taboo foods. While people may experience some binges when they first start eating intuitively, they eventually will learn to trust themselves and that behavior will disappear, Hawks maintains.

One technique he suggests is having an abundance of previously taboo foods on hand. Once the foods are no longer forbidden, a person quickly loses interest in them.

"If people are committed to recognizing what their bodies really want, the vast majority of people will say that they very quickly overcame cravings," Hawks says, opening an office desk drawer filled with untouched junk food. "It certainly has worked for me."

Copyright 2005 Daily News Central
1. Digestion - Acid Reflux. I realize I am not alone in experiencing the painful effects of poor digestion, sometimes termed acid reflux. I used to keep Tums and Rolaids antacids in business popping 6-8 just to get through a typical night. This was my reality ever since I can remember - even as a teennager. In fact, this condition ran in my family - so I was resigned to never finding a treatment, let alone a cure.

I am amazed to say that after 4-months of consistent yoga and meditation, my condition is virtually disappeared. I have not taken a single antacid in weeks, have slept better than ever and no longer have to be as careful about my diet.

Sure - if I go overboard, drink or eat too much, then some symptoms reappear, but not near as bad as in the past.

If you live with this condition, then you realize that this sounds like a miracle, and in fact, I look at it that way. This certainly convinced me of the power of yoga and meditation.

2. Feeling of Control Again. One of our biggest negative stressors is when we lose control of a situation or our life. The fast pace of today's society, focus on material things, race to compete with peers and constant media exposure to bad news all lead to a feeling of losing control.

Beyond stress, losing control in one's life can lead to all kinds of negatives including substance abuse, depression, anxiety, violence and more...

For me, the main advantage of yoga and meditation is that it re- empowers you - given you control of yourself. By focusing on yourself, you no longer rely on the need to control your environment, but instead, allowing you to control your own reaction to that environment.

Not only is this incredibly empowering, but is also the ticket to true happiness, great relationships and clear thinking in your life. Yoga and meditation, by calming the mind and giving you back control, lead to a peacefullness letting you deal with the most intense life experiences.

3. Living On Purpose. The two factors outlined above result in a lifestyle that sees us letting life happen to us, instead of allowing us to experience and accomplish what we want.

Until we accomplish true calming of the mind, we do not have the state of mind or body to take control of life and really do with it what we want. How many of you have thought about things you really wanted to experience or do and ended up saying "If only..." or "I just don't have the energy..." or "Maybe later...".

These are all excuses we use to rationalize our inability to step up to a life we really and truly desire.

Through yoga and meditation, we can prepare ourselves better for getting the most out of our lives and can finally stop having to justify why we simply can't.

Creatine is made up of three different amino acids - Arginine, Glycine and Methionine. These are produced in the kidneys and pancreas. The liver takes these three and combines them into creatine. A person can also utilize more creatine by adding certain foods to their diet such as fish and beef. However, one could never eat enough of these alone to make a noticeable difference in the body.

Creatine is used by most athletes today because it does basically three things. First of all, it pulls fluid into the muscles, thus hydrating the muscles. The more you workout, the more you sweat, the more dehydrated your muscles become. Simply put, creatine keeps the muscles wet and working. Secondly, creatine enhances actual muscle growth, making muscle fibers bigger and stronger. Thirdly, creatine helps reserve and increase muscle energy by regenerating the muscles' ultimate energy source, ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The result is that you can workout longer, with greater energy output and quicker reflexes.

In double blind placebo studies, creatine has been proven to increase energy levels, resulting in increased strength, endurance levels, and recovery rates. Another benefit of creatine was discovered as well: creatine accelerates fat loss, while building lean body mass! Muscle mass can be significantly increased in as little as two weeks.

Strenuous athletic workouts dehydrate the body, tire the muscles and quickly deplete energy levels. Creatine overcomes all of these hindrances to fitness and bodybuilding by keep the muscles hydrated, building muscle size and giving that extra energy needed for a longer workout or a demanding athletic event. The result is a longer more energetic workout resulting in a bigger, stronger body with greater stamina and endurance. Now you know why athletes use this on a regular basis.

At this time, clinical studies have not revealed any side effects of using a creatine supplement. The muscles naturally contain 3.5 to 4 grams of creatine per kilogram of muscle. The muscles can hold up to 5 grams of creatine. Thus, you can increase your available creatine 25 - 30% by taking an additive. By taking 5 grams of creatine daily you are giving your body the maximum amount it can store and actually utilize. Any more than this will be excreted as waste.

Most supplement companies recommend a procedure called loading where you take in about 20 - 30 grams per day for the first week of so. This is supposed to saturate your muscles with creatine. Although this may allow you to see results a little more quickly, it is not absolutely necessary. Another good idea is to cycle the creatine, that is, to take the creatine for a month and then quit for a week and repeat. The theory behind this is that if you are taking in sufficient amounts of creatine, then the body might decide to quit making it naturally. This is a good idea to implement with all supplements as your body can either quit making the natural product or become immune to its effects. Since creatine has not really been on the market long enough to know it long use effect, it is better to stay on the safe side.

Once food is chewed and swallowed, it’s on its way through the digestive tract, where enzymes and digestive juices will break it down and allow our systems to absorb the nutrients and calories. In the stomach, which can hold up to three pints of material, the breakdown continues with the help of strong acids. From there it moves into the duodenum, and the digestive process speeds up through the addition of bile and pancreatic juices. It’s here, that our body absorbs the majority of iron and calcium in the foods we eat. The final part of the digestive process takes place in the 20 feet of small intestine, the jejunum and the ileum, where calorie and nutrient absorption is completed, and any unused particles of food are then shunted into the large intestine for elimination.

Weight loss procedures involve bypassing, or in some way circumventing the full digestive process. They range from simple reduction of the amount you can eat, to major bypasses in the digestive tract. To qualify for many of these surgeries, a person must be termed “morbidly obese”, that is, weighing at least 100 lbs. over the appropriate weight for their height and general body structure.

Gastric Bypass

In the mid 1960s, Dr. Edward E. Mason discovered that women who had undergone partial stomach removal as the result of peptic ulcers, failed to gain weight afterwards. From this observation, grew the trial use of stapling across the top of the stomach, to reduce its actual capacity to about three tablespoons. The stomach filled quickly, and eventually emptied into the lower portion, completing the digestive process in the normal way. Over the years, the surgery evolved into what is now known as the Roux-en-y Gastric Bypass. Instead of partitioning the stomach, it is divided and separated from the rest, with staples. The small intestine is then cut at approximately 18” below the stomach, and attached to the “new”, small stomach. Smaller meals are then eaten, and the digested food moves directly into the lower part of the bowel. As weight loss surgeries are viewed overall, this is considered one of the safest, offering long-term management of obesity.

Gastric Banding

A procedure that produces basically the same results as the stomach stapling/bypass, and is also classed as a “restrictive” surgery. The first operations, involved a non-flexing band placed around the upper part of the stomach, below the esophagus, creating an hourglass shaped stomach, the upper portion being reduced to the same 3-6 ounce capacity. As technologies advanced, the band became more flexible, incorporating an inflatable balloon, which when triggered by a reservoir placed in the abdomen, was capable of inflating to cut down the size of the stoma, or deflating to enlarge it. Laparoscopic surgery means smaller scars, and less invasion of the digestive tract.

Biliopancreatic Diversion

A combination of the gastric bypass, and Roux-en-y re-structuring, that bypasses a significant section of the small intestine, thereby creating the probability of malabsorption. The stomach is reduced in size, and an extended Roux-en-y anastomosis is attached to the smaller stomach, and lower down on the small intestine than is normal. This permits the patient to eat larger amounts, but still achieve weight loss through malabsorption. Professor Nicola Scopinaro, University of Genoa, Italy, developed the technique, and last year published the first long-term results. They showed an average 72% loss of excess body weight, maintained over 18 years, the best long-term results of any bariatric surgical procedure, to date. BPD patients require lifelong follow-ups to monitor calcium and vitamin intake. The advantages of being able to eat more and still lose weight, are countered by loose or foul smelling stools, flatus, stomal ulcers, and possible protein malnutrition.

Jejuno-Ileal Bypass

One of the first weight loss procedures for the grossly obese, was developed in the 1960s, a strictly malabsorptive method of reducing weight, and preventing gain. The jejuno-ileal bypass reduced the lower digestive tract to a mere 18” of small intestine, from the natural 20 feet, a critical difference when it came to absorption of calories and nutrients. In the end-to-end method, the upper intestine was severed below the stomach, and re-attached to the small intestine much lower down, which had also been severed, thereby “cutting out”, the majority of the intestine. Malabsorption of carbohydrate, protein, lipids, minerals and vitamins, led to a variation, the end-to-side bypass, which took the end of the upper portion, and attached it to the side of the lower portion, without severing at that point. Reflux of bowel contents into the non-functioning upper portion of small bowel, resulted in more absorption of essential nutrients, but also less weight loss, and increased weight gain, post-surgery. As a result of the bypass, fatty acids are dumped in the colon, producing an irritation that causes water and electrolytes to flood the bowel, ending in chronic diarrhea. The bile salt pool necessary to keeping cholesterol in solution is reduced by malabsorption and loss through stool. As a consequence, cholesterol concentration in the gall bladder rises, increasing the risk of stones. Multiple vitamin losses are a major concern, and may result in bone thinning, pain and fractures. Approximately one third of patients experience an adjustment in the size and thickness of the remaining active small intestine, which increases the absorption of nutrients, and balances out the weight loss. However, over the long term, all patients undergoing this bypass are susceptible to hepatic cirrhosis. In the early 1980s, one study showed that approximately 20% of those who had undergone JIB, required conversion to another bypass alternative. The procedure has since been largely abandoned, as having too many risk factors.

While surgical methods of reducing weight are valuable to the morbidly obese, they are not without risks. Patients may require more bed rest post-surgery, resulting in an increased chance of blood clots. Pain may also cause reduced depth of breathing, and complications such as pneumonia.

Before undergoing any fat/weight reduction surgery, a severely overweight person needs to thoroughly understand the benefits and risks, and must make a commitment to their future health. Having a smaller stomach is not going to stop the chronic sugar-snacker, from “grazing” on high calorie sweets. Nor does a steady supply of pop, concentrated sweet juices and milk shakes, reduce the calorie intake. With some bypass surgeries, certain foods can aggravate side-effects that need not be that severe, if common sense diets are adhered to. Surgery can be a “shortcut” to weight loss, but it can also reduce your enjoyment of life, if you are unable to adhere to the regimens that go with it.

The problem is on the supply side. There are over 2 billion people in Asia and only 200 million in Eastern Europe. Most of people in Eastern Europe have no need to sell their hair for economic reasons. Moreover, I don’t have to emphasize how rare it is in rich Western European countries to sell one’s hair. That is what makes European hair rare and explains why local wig-makers purchase only the amount necessary for their own production. Outside of Eastern Europe, due to its rarity, the price of the best European hair (so called “raw virgin hair”) is skyrocketing.

Hence 99% of human hair wigs are made of Asian hair. This hair is marked by such trade names as “human hair” or “remy hair”. If the producer or a sales person does not state directly that the hair is exclusively European, you can be 100% sure that you are dealing with Asian hair.

Asian hair is by nature very dark (black), very straight and thicker than European hair. Subject to a complicated process of a pigmentation removal, the hair looses its natural shine and resilience. Before it finally gets to you it will be dyed several times using synthetic chemical products, which no one would use to dye their own hair. Such a hair has a tendency to show a ting of a dark or red color. This is why it has to be dyed several times and go through a bleaching process. That way any color can be obtained, but hair structure gets damaged during the process. It is not pleasant to the touch anymore and even after as little as twenty weeks it will loose its shine and become dull.

Another issue concerns the manner in which the hair is obtained. It is not planned from the start with the thought of creating wigs. Hair is cut in random hair salons. Part of the hair also comes from ritual ceremonies of cutting of the hair as a sign of entering into adulthood. Such hair in the fervor of the ceremony falls to the floor and is gathered from there and placed in a great pile. In the process the hair is turned against and opposite to each of its strands and not layered in the same direction. Although it may not seem so at first, this does change the fundamental significance in the quality of your wig.

Every strand of hair has a coarse cuticle, which clings to the cuticle of the neighboring hair if they are layered in the opposite direction. In effect hair is twisting and intertwining into a hair clump so difficult to comb out. The only method for solving this problem is to completely remove the natural cuticle, which is then replaced with a silicon one that gives the hair its shine. It is a brutal and destructive process – such a wig will maintain its sheen no longer than for a period of 4 to 12 weeks. After that time hair becomes dull and unattractive.

The best Asian hair comes from India and Pakistan. In reality, it is not much better than hair described above. The advantage is that this hair is less stiff and may have a natural tendency to from slight waves. For that reason, many producers claim that it has the same qualities as European hair, which is not true.

If only there were more Eastern Europeans, life of wig-makers and their clients would be simpler, heh?

EVERYONE has five minutes a day…the only question is, can anything really useful be done in just 300 seconds?

The answer is a resounding “yes”, but we need choose our exercises carefully. If there is such a limited amount of time, the best choice is to pick the most important muscle group. Chest? Back? Shoulders? Legs? All wrong. The abdominals are the most important muscles in the body. In no particular order, they:

1) Protect the low back.

2) Are vital to sports performance, transferring power from the lower to upper body.

3) Aid digestion, and massage the internal organs.

4) Are important for proper, healthy sexual function.

5) Are “the window of health”—we judge fitness and health more rapidly with a glimpse at the waistline than any other single indication.

6) Are vital for posture, which increases physical energy and mood.

7) Are the linchpin of your entire fitness program. You’ve never seen someone with toned abdominal muscles and flabby arms and legs, have you? The reverse is not true.

8) Are the most important muscle group for physical attractiveness in men or women. No matter the wonderful definition of arms or legs, if your gut is sagging, you have a problem!

There are other reasons, but one of the best is the fact that of all body parts, the abs tend to be the least favorite body part to work. They’re hard! That reason alone should be enough to motivate you: anything other people don’t like working is a golden opportunity for you!

But how can you do anything useful in just five minutes? One daily approach is to perform five minutes of the toughest ab exercises you can find, and a fantastic tool for this is a “Roller Wheel” available for five dollars at any sporting goods store. Not the fancy ones, just the simple get-on-your-knees variety. Try this: perform one rep, and take a breath. Then do two reps, and take two breaths. Then three, and take three breaths…and so on until you can’t go any higher. Then, drop back to one rep, and start climbing again. When that gets easy, take one breath for every two reps.

An even better method is to break up your exercise into multiple daily sessions. The roller wheel is useful here as well, but you might want to investigate some of the powerful “Vacuum” exercises from yoga, or the dynamic-tension style “stomach flattening” exercises. In these, you exhale all air, and flex the abdominal muscles for several seconds. Believe me, if you do these properly, even without aerobic exercise your waistline will decrease!

While there is no serious disagreement that longer sessions produce better, and more balanced results, the busiest man or woman on earth can find five minutes a day…and sometimes, that toehold is what it takes to get you started on a new, healthier lifestyle.

How to solve the problem of increased DHT.

Simply, block it. Specific vitamins, minerals and herbs can block the DHT in your body. By taking these supplements orally, they block the DHT through the blood stream. The hair follicles beneath your scalp get all the nutrients they need to promote new healthy hair growth.


Biotin, part of the Vit B complex, helps with the skin condition of your scalp.

Other B vitamins, like B6, are essential for good health and hair growth.

Everyone knows Zinc helps your immume system, but it also is needed for cell division for the tissue of the hair, nails and skin.

Nettle Root blocks the 2 enzymes that produce DHT, now known to be the leading cause of hair loss.

Saw Palmetto also blocks one of the enzymes, 5 alpha-reductase, that produces DHT.

Gota Kola supports the integrity of hair growth, collagen and skin.

The oil extracted from pumpkin skins is also a natural hair loss remedy.

You can get all of the above and more in a caplet you only have to take twice per day? Yes, there is a hair loss solution from a pill! You can cure your hair loss problem from the inside out. Go to my web site to find out how:

With a nickel allergy, the symptoms can strike people of all ages and both genders. While some people will have immediate reaction, most will have a reaction caused by prolonged exposure to the nickel. If you have a nickel allergy and like piercings, then you might consider using stainless steel, gold, or silver instead.

Other people who have a nickel allergy include those working with various chemicals or machinery that involves nickel such as hairdressers, hospital staff, or those working with cleaning chemicals. The problem is that for alloy to be produced, nickel is added to other metals. Therefore, nickel could easily be a component of many things we use throughout our daily lives without us even knowing it. For example, eyeglasses, watches, belt buckles, and even zippers all have nickel. For the person with the nickel allergy, this would be a problem.

Other items commonly made from with degree of nickel include pens, razors, scissors, handles on kitchen or bathroom cabinets, cigarette lighters, catches on purses, toasters, needles, and so on. If you have a bad nickel allergy, you can actually purchase a testing kit that can help you identify the things you handle daily that might be a contributing factor. Although avoiding everything with nickel would be difficult, at least you would know some of the items to avoid.

Just as nickel should be avoided by touch, there is also concern about food consumption. Generally, if someone has a serious nickel allergy, his or her doctor would prescribe a nickel-restricted diet in which foods high in nickel would be eliminated. Some of the foods would include:

Beans, Buckwheat, Chocolate, Dried Fruit, Figs, Lettuce, Licorice, Linseed, Millet, Multigrain Breads, Nuts, Oats, Onions, Peas, Pineapple, Prunes, Raspberries, Salmon, Shellfish, Soy Powder, Spinach, Tea, Tomato, Wheat Bran or Wheat Bran Products…and more.

Generally a person with a nickel allergy will experience skin rash and irritation. This dermatologic effect can be magnified by humidity and sweat. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to desensitize the person living with a nickel allergy using pills, shots, or other forms of treatment. Therefore, the best method of treatment is avoidance. If a rash does develop from the nickel allergy, usually cortisone cream will help.

Kidneys also make hormones that help keep bones strong blood healthy.

Kidneys that aren't functioning properly allow harmful toxins to build up. This may causes blood pressure to rise, the body will accumulate fluids, and may not produce enough red blood cells.

Here are the most common kidney problems.

Kidney Stones: A kidney stone is a hard mass that accumulates in the urinary tract when crystals separate from the urine and build up on the inner surfaces of the kidney. In most people, urine contains chemicals that prevent these crystals from forming kidney stones. People who suffer from kidney stones, for reasons that aren't always completely understood, don't have inhibitors that prevent crystal formation.

Anyone who has ever had kidney stones will tell you the pain can be so severe that it reduces them to tears.

Kidney stones are not a product of modern diets or lifestyle. Evidence of kidney stones has been found in 7000 year old human remains in Egypt.

Men tend to get kidney stones more often than women.

Kidney Infections: If a person has low resistance, germs from the bladder can travel up the ureters to the kidneys and begin to multiply. An acute kidney infection starts suddenly with severe symptoms, then quickly comes to an end. A chronic kidney infection develops slowly and grows worse with time. A chronic kidney infection can lead to kidney failure.

Kidney Cysts: A kidney cyst is an abnormal pouch that contains fluid. The simple kidney cyst is the most common form.

The cause of a simple kidney cyst isn't completely understood. But there's no evidence that kidney cysts are an inherited condition. One or more kidney cysts may develop at a time on the small tubes in the kidneys.

Kidney cysts do not generally present symptoms and usually kidney cysts cause no harm. Very often people don't even know they have a kidney cyst. However, a kidney cyst can cause pain if it grows large enough to press on other organs.

Sometimes a kidney cyst can become infected and start to bleed. If that happens, a kidney cyst can increase blood pressure, but it usually don't impair kidney function.

A kidney cyst won't require treatment if no complications are present. But if symptoms occur, a kidney cyst may require surgery.

Kidney Cancer: Kidney cancer accounts for approximately three percent of all adult cancers in the United States. The American Cancer Society reports that more than 30,000 new cases of kidney cancer are diagnosed each year and about 12,000 people die from kidney cancer annually.

Kidney cancer tends to appear in adults in middle age, usually after age 50. Kidney cancer strikes men twice as often as women.

The most common type of kidney cancer occurs in the part of the kidney that filters blood and produces the urine. This type of kidney cancer is called renal cell cancer, or renal cell carcinoma. Another type of adult kidney cancer is a tumor which arises in the part of the kidney where the urine collects. This type of kidney cancer is called transitional cell carcinoma. The most frequent sign of kidney cancer in adults is blood in the urine.

Autism is a disorder that is affecting more and more children. But many autistic children have been able to lead normal lives.

Autism is a developmental disorder that appears in the early stages of development of a child, mostly in the first three years of development. It is a neurological disorder that affects the proper functioning of the brain and affects the development of the social and communication skills of the individual.

Early diagnosis of autism is most important for the treatment of this disorder. However, there is no blood or medical test available which will help in the diagnosis of autism. Generally, it is delay in the development of language skills or lack of appropriate social development that causes parents or teachers to seek a medical evaluation. There are no racial or ethnic specifications for the occurrence of this disorder, although boys are three or four times more likely to have autism.

Autism is seen to affect each individual in different levels and so is considered a spectrum disorder. Generally, autism is seen to affect the verbal and non-verbal communication skills, leisure activities, and the all-round social interactions of the individual.

There is no standard treatment for the cure of autism. Different medical professionals have different philosophies and practices for treating autistic individuals. The results of the treatment of autism will also vary from individual to individual. However, autism cannot be completely cured; there can only be improvements in the abilities of the autistic person. Autistic children are seen to benefit greatly from treatment approaches that include special education and behavioral management.

An important strategy in the treatment of autism is to keep the diet of the autistic children gluten- and casein-free. A gluten- and casein-free autism diet is seen to produce a marked level of improvement in autistic children. This is because in their body system there is incomplete breakdown of the peptides in the food substances containing gluten and casein. This leads to an increased absorption of peptides causing disruption in the biochemical and neuroregulatory processes in the brain. Adding vitamin B6 and B12 to the diet is beneficial to the treatment of autism as it improves digestion, symptoms of allergy, and sociability in children.

Despite one child in every thousand being affected by this illness, the awareness and the number of support groups for this illness is negligible. Efforts are being undertaken to create an increased awareness and to generate funds to support research and treatment of autism.

Autism awareness bracelets and ribbons help spread awareness about this disorder. The sale of these bracelets supports many autism research foundations and also provides financial assistance to many parents with autistic children.

‘Autism walk’ is another novel fundraising effort for the support of those suffering from autism. The money generated from registration of the ‘Autism walk’ events is used to provide financial support to the parents of autistic children, or to establish support groups to facilitate their treatment.

When an allergen comes into contact with the body, the immune system believes it is under attack and produces antibodies called IgE to fight it. The antibodies trigger chemicals (the main one being histamine) to different organs of our body from mast cells which causes the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

The most common allergies are to dust mites, pollen, animal dander in household pets, insect bites, food and drink - the most common being milk, wheat, eggs, fish, soy, citrus fruits, seafood and peanuts, washing powder, cosmetics, toiletries, jewellery, mould and mould fungus, latex and rubber and certain drugs such as antibiotics and anesthetics.

Every individual has their own target organ that has more of an allergic reaction than the others organs. Whatever the substance that causes the reaction, the symptoms occurs in the weak target organs whether this is the same point of contact or not. The symptoms as a result from the allergic reaction will be dependant on the function of the afflicted organ and whether it is depressed or excited.

The main organs that are affected are the brain, eyes, ears, nose, lungs, heart, skin, bowel, genoto-urinary system and musculo-skeletal system.

The brain is the most sensitive of the body’s organs and is easily affected by allergies. Mild forms can be as simple as forgetfulness and severe forms can be as serious as dementia. ‘Woolly brain syndrome’ is a common symptom described by most people who suffer from allergies and this is why most people consider it normal. Other afflictions to the brain are anxiety, depression and panic attacks. The eyes can be affected by becoming watery, red and itchy and also afflicted by conjunctivitis. The mastoid glands in the ears can become affected producing pain and infection. When the nose is affected it can show symptoms such as hay fever, rhinitis, catarrh, blocked nose, sinus pain, sneezing and a running nose. The mouth and throat can be affected by swelling of the lips and tongue, sore throat and coughing. The heart can be affected which can cause hypertension, palpitations and irregular heartbeats. Asthma (wheezing and shortness of breath) and bronchitis can be cause by the lungs being affected and bowel can be affected with Crohn’s disease, colitis, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain and vomiting. The skin can be affected becoming itchy, inflamed and having a red rash as with eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and urticaria. Urticaria (hives or nettle rash) can be caused by allergies to bee stings, medicines, animals and foods. The genoto-urinary system can be affected with PMT, cystitis, impotency and frigidity. Arthritis, Myalgia and fibrosis can affect the musculo-skeletal. The most extreme allergic reaction is anaphylaxis.

The target organ can change as the body changes, for instance, a child may have eczema as an infant which then changes to hay fever later in childhood which then can change again to migraine attacks in the teenage years which then can change again to arthritis in old age.

In the UK, 1 in 3 people will suffer from one or more type of allergy, 1 in 5 suffer from hay fever, 1 in 5 school children suffer from asthma and 6 million people have eczema.

Natural substances such as mould, spores, pollen, dust mites, animal dander and insects usually cause an allergic reaction in the upper respiratory systems. They cause redness, itching and fluid in the form of water and mucous and can affect the eyes, nose, sinuses, throat, lungs and bronchial tubes.

A person can be allergic to any food, wheat, milk, eggs, corn, yeast, coffee and chocolate are the most common. Food allergies mostly affect the nervous, respiratory, gastrointestinal and skin areas.

Allergic reaction can be caused by food additives and environmental chemicals such as chemical sprays, pesticides, hydrocarbons, tobacco smoke plus thousands of others.

Allergies to certain foods are associated with certain symptoms. For example, headaches are associated with chocolate and wheat, migraine headaches are associated with milk, eggs, nitrates, alcohol, cheese, chocolate, citrus fruit, nuts, wheat, tomatoes and MSG, eczema is associated with eggs, tomatoes and citrus fruits, hay fever is associated with milk, wheat, cola drinks, chocolate and sulfites, hives are associated with strawberries, nuts, pork, mangoes, tomatoes, eggs, chocolate and shellfish, asthma is associated with wheat and eggs, cerebral symptoms are associated with wheat, corn and Soya beans and childhood allergies are associated with fish, beef, rye, milk, wheat, eggs, peanuts, artificial colourings and flavourings and salicylates.

Other factors that can contribute to allergies are bad feeding habits in the baby’s first year of life, poor digestion, excess or repeated contact of a particular substance or food, low nutrients level, presents of candida albicans, parasites, worms or other bacteria, stress and environmental toxins.

To help eliminate or reduce the symptoms of allergies it is best to consume lots of still mineral water, brown or white rice, fruit juices except citrus fruit juices, lots of vegetables except corn and tomatoes, fish except shellfish, turkey and almonds, sunflower seeds and walnuts.

In conclusion, good nutritional health is vital to support our immune systems to help ward off allergic reactions to foods and environmental chemicals. Once a person knows they have an allergy, it is best to avoid that food or chemical, improve nutrition and exercise regime, combat stress and generally support the immune system. It is best not to ignore allergic reactions, as they can lead to further more serious illnesses.

1. Play with kids.
Kids love to play everytime and everywhere. So why don't you play with them instead of circling the food table with adults to distract you from food? The possiblility of food intake is higher when circling the food table than playing with kids. Moreover, playing may help burning calories, just like doing exercise.

2. Feel difficult to leave the food table while other adults family members are circling it? Why not challenge them to play together, from Scrabble to charades, or do other outdoor activities.

3. Make sure you have low-calorie snacks and foods, such as carrots, sweet peppers, celery or maybe some fruits. Also for beverages, choose diet drinks or just water. But you may still excuse yourself from eating a little portion of those 'rich foods'.

5. Avoid the kitchen. When your family request you to help them in the kitchen, just offer yourself for other duties that don't involve food.

6. If smelling and seeing all the foods become just too much for you, excuse yourself and get out of the house. Take a stroll or go for a drive.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Full Body Detox

Lose 10 - 50lbs in 3 Weeks!

Our bodies contain toxic waste accumulations, mucus, parasites and worms, excess fat, fluid buildup (cellulite), old and hardened fecal matter buildup, and many more unsightly and odorous things that play a pivotal role in sabotaging our health.

The Full Body Detox opens the door to healing and rejuvenation. Detoxifying gives our bodies what it needs so desperately, a complete internal cleansing. We are conscious about cleaning the external body, but not the internal body.

The Full Body Detox consists of the following seven (7) 100% natural potent, safe, and effective herbal remedies:

Blood and Lymphatic - Strengthens and invigorates the blood and lymph fluids. Cardiovascular - Greatly improves circulation in the body. Liver and Gallbladder - Rejuvenates the liver. Lungs - Dissolves and expels mucus buildup in the lungs. Kidneys and Bladder - Flushes the kidneys/bladder by removing excess uric acid buildup. Colon Conditioner - Helps to stimulate bowel movement. Carbon - Removes all the toxic residues we unwisely put into our bodies. These seven formulas plus a recommended diet during the detox are all that you need to begin the healing process with your body. The Full Body Detox kit comes complete with herb, instructions on how and when to take the herbs, a recommended diet and everything you will need to get started and to complete the program.

After three (3) weeks of successfully following the program regimen, you are guaranteed to feel and see the results. The more common results are weight loss (10-50 pounds), more energy, clear skin and complexion, less headaches, a more positive outlook on life, willpower, a stronger immune system and a brand new life.

You give your car or automobile a tune-up every six months and an oil change every 3,000 miles, why not service yourself with magnificent gift of detoxifying your body.

...Experience Healing

by Djehuty - "Herbalist of the Stars"

Friday, November 18, 2005

Popular Wedding Hair Styles

A great hairstyle is the crowning glory to your personality. A wedding hairstyle holds much importance to enhance the overall beauty of the pretty bride. The hairstyle can make a bride look smart and mesmerizing. No wonder, you will be too busy in picking your wedding dress and accessories. But the wedding hair style is as important as your wedding dress. You have a number of hair saloons where you can get special popular wedding hairstyle. These styles have been adorned by so many beautiful brides.

The hair style, off course, depends on the dress you are wearing and shape of your face and hair texture. The hairstyle must be in accordance to the veil or the head piece of the bride. Also, the hair style should be set to make the bride a real princess.

Fulfill your dream of being a royal princess by wearing a sparkling crown on your head. One of the most popular head piece is the crown. It is classy and also easy-to-wear. To wear a crown, you can adhere to a simple hairstyle. You can pin up your hair on the top of the head to make a high bun. Also you can part your front hair and curl the back hair. After curling the back hair, pin them up high or let them down. After this, fix the crown and veil with the same pins. This will give you a more formal look.

If your wedding is a casual affair you can let all your hair down. Just pull them back and fix the veil with a beautiful wreath. Wreath is a half ring made up of flowers.

Flowers are an inseparable part of wedding hair styles. The beautiful flowers enhance the feminine looks of the innocent bride. You can choose from a variety of flowers. The most popular wedding hair styles incorporate the flowers like orchids and roses as they are available in so many attractive colors.

For a sophisticated look, you can pull all your hair back to make a low bun just above your neck. Flowers can be added individually around the bun or in the form of a ring. The most popular buns are the ones made after rolling your hair. You can tie your hair in to a low ponytail and roll over the rest of hair into rolls. A bun with 6 rolls is the hottest among the brides these days. After bun is complete, you can add certain accessories like flowers, hair brooch or simply some beads in the new hair style.

Las Vegas wedding hair style is also in vogue among the young generation brides. It is a funky hair style. In this wedding hair style the hair are pined loosely to make a bun on top of your head. The front hairs are let loose. The hair locks from both the sides of forehead and allowed to fall down on the face of the bride. Are you ready to embellish your crowning glory by now?


by Adam

10 Do's Of Great Hair Care

If the amount of money consumers spend on hair care products annually is any indication, most people are concerned about the appearance of their hair and strive to attain beautiful, healthy and stylish locks. In fact, most will go to any lengths to achieve their desired look. From professional salon treatments to over-the-counter serums, hair care is a big business.

The only problem is that while many people are buying the right hair care products for their hair, they forget to follow basic hair care regimens that will guarantee the health and beauty of their tresses. Additionally, many are also causing needless damage to their hair by participating in unhealthy hair care behavior.

So, what should you do to make sure that your hair stays healthy, shiny and strong? Here are 10 essential "must dos" of great hair care.

Hair care dos

1. Use the right hair care products for your specific hair type. If you're hair is damaged, dry or color treated, use hair care products formulated to repair this damage and add much-needed shine and resiliency. On the other hand, if your hair is oily, use a deep-cleansing shampoo and light conditioner to keep your hair looking its best. The right products should be at the base of your hair care routine.

2. Get a trim every 6 to 8 weeks as part of your regular hair care routine. Even if you are growing your hair longer, it is still vital to make a routine trim a major part of your hair care routine. Snipping ends before they split will keep your hair looking healthy and save you hair care headaches in the end.

3. Protect your hair with hair care products that contain sunscreen.

4. Shampoo your hair only when it is dirty. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to shampoo your hair daily. Doing so can make your hair dry and hard to work with.

5. Turn to a professional for all of your hair care needs. Yes, kitchen beauticians and friends do not cost as much as putting your hair care needs in the hands of a qualified professional, but they often result in blunders that end up costing you more money than if you went to the salon in the first place.

6. Use professional conditioning hair coloring systems. There are many hair coloring systems on the market, and the ones you choose can have a great impact on your hair care costs. Simply put: choose a system that causes minimal damage and conditions hair as it colors. This will save you money when it comes to conditioning hair care products.

7. Stick with one chemical service. In order to keep your hair as healthy as it can be, ask your hair care professional to recommend only one chemical service: color or perm. By only using the service that is perfect for your particular style and needs, you will ensure that your hair stays healthier.

8. Add Texture. By adding texture to your style, through perm or cut, you can greatly reduce the time it takes to style and perform your daily hair care routine. And you will look sensational.

9. Choose hair color that compliments your style. With all of the professional coloring techniques available, this part of your hair care regimen has never been easier. From chunky highlights to soft color, you can greatly enhance your style with the right technique.

10. Comb your hair with a wide-toothed come when it is wet to prevent breakage. The only time you should use a brush during your hair care routine is when your hair is barely damp or dry.

In the end, hair care is a very individualized and personal thing. Feel free to add your own flair and style to your hair care routine, but remember to include hair care principles that will benefit your hair and avoid those that damage it.

Banks invited her pals onto her new show to tape an episode, in which she set out to prove that even top models need a little help to stay beautiful.

Banks revealed her top tip is dabbing Vaseline petroleum jelly under her eyes after she moisturises her face, and then uses a white eye-liner to make her eyes look bigger.

First, let's briefly cover the basics of diabetes.

Diabetes is Elevated Blood Glucose Levels

Higher than normal level of glucose in the blood is diabetes. Glucose is the main energy source for the brain and nerves and comes from digesting carbohydrates. Because of its importance as an energy source, glucose blood level is normally kept within a narrow range.

Two hormones help to keep glucose in this normal range. First, there is insulin. Insulin is released by the pancreas as glucose levels rise after a meal. It promotes the uptake of glucose by muscle cells. Second, is glucogon. This hormone causes the release of glucose out of energy stores during fasting. The insulin to glucogon ratio helps to stabilize the normal levels of blood glucose.

Two Types of Diabetes

In order to have consistently high blood glucose levels either insulin production and/or release from the pancreas is defective or the muscles don't respond to insulin when it is released.

Juvenile or Type 1 Diabetes -- Insulin production is defective. Most often detected early in life. These patients require insulin shots.

Adult Onset or Type 2 Diabetes -- The muscles don't respond to insulin. In this case, glucose stays within the blood and not in the tissues. The early stage is called Insulin Resistance. Type 2 is associated with being overweight or obese.

The Atypical Type of Diabetes -- Double Diabetes or Type 3

A young man who has type I diabetes, if he does not follow a proper diabetic diet and an exercise program, could develop type 2 diabetes on top of his type I diagnosis.

This is a fear turned into reality for many type I diabetics and their families. The Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh states that 25% of children with type I diabetes are showing features of type 2. The main feature shared by all of these children...obesity. Dr. Dorothy Becker, a pediatric endocrinologist and leading double-diabetes researcher, feels the numbers will continue to climb.

And an ongoing study to determine the best treatment for children with type 2 diabetes is also uncovering many kids who harbor antibodies that signal they have or are developing the type 1 form.

No matter which type of diabetes came first in a child, it makes treatment that much harder for everyone involved. So what is the best treatment?

Treating Type 3 Diabetes

The best treatment for type 3 diabetes is prevention. Children, with or without diabetes, must exercise. Toning and building muscle tissue is the only effective way to protect against type 3 diabetes.

Strong muscles are metabolic active and able to uptake glucose as expected when insulin is released into the blood. Parents, start a supervised and doctor approved workout program with your children. Something tells me that we may need a strong future.

To Healthy Living!

by Michael A. Smith, MD
Chief Medical Consultant

The problem with lead in chocolate has been known before now; it had been assumed that cocoa plants were tainted by leaded gasoline. However, a team of researchers has found that lead levels in processed chocolate are 60 times higher than could be accounted for by this.

It is currently unknown whether the additional contamination is coming from the shipping or the manufacturing process.

Elevated blood lead levels in children can produce learning disabilities, including damage to a child's ability to think, plan, organize and memorize.

Environmental Health Perspectives October 2005, Volume 113(10)Chicago Tribune October 30, 2005 Registration Required

Dr. Mercola's Comment:I hope you loaded up with natural whole food treats for all the treat-or-treaters who came to knock on your door on Halloween, and left those Hefty bags of candy bars, full of processed chocolate, at the grocery store.

If you've been skeptical at all of my warnings about chocolate, this new study provides compelling evidence of why it would serve you well to avoid most processed varieties.

Unprocessed chocolate does provide some health benefits from its flavonols, which have antioxidant properties. But it's important to keep in mind that you can derive a majority of these benefits by consuming fruits like blueberries, apples and grapes, and most all vegetables, including broccoli, greens and onions. This is obviously a method I would prefer most people utilize.

But if you like chocolate and want to eat it safely, consider these common sense tips:

  • Restrict your intake to dark, organic chocolate, which contains the most flavonols and avoids the dangerous processing procedures.
  • Consume chocolate in moderation.
  • Hold off on the chocolate if you are struggling with serious disease -- remember that chocolate contains lots of sugar, which depresses your immune system.

In order to understand what anti-aging skin care products are intended to do, you have to first understand about what the aging process is for skin. Aging skin has the condition where the structural proteins that bind and support the skin, collagen and elastin, lose their resiliency and cohesion, causing the skin to wrinkle and/or sag. The body's ability to produce new collagen and elastin also diminishes with age while the cells in the various layers of our skin decline and thin, loosing the ability to adequately maintain moisture. Without proper hydration, the healing mechanisms of the skin cease to function, adversely affecting the skin's ability to receive nutrients and repair itself. The result is rough, lose, wrinkled skin.

Of course, we all want to have the best skin possible at any age and are searching for solutions to maintain our skin's youthfulness. In our quest and with the constant marketing and advancements in skin care, it can sometimes be difficult to find an affordable and effective solution for great skin care.

However, what you need to know is that it doesn't have to be that complex (as many of the product name suggest!). What you should consider is that what any skin care program should be is simple. That's it, just simple. The results that we all want are simple: soft, smooth, clear, radiant, younger-looking skin.

Too much of the time now days, skin care marketers are trying to convenience consumers that they need formulations that no average consumer can understand, or day and night products, or formulations that highly successful, well-known personalities would use. If you think about it, how many products do you currently have in your storage that were purchased because of these marketing strategies? With these types of advertising, there are so many re-touches and questionable representation of the product effectiveness because the personality also receives so many other types of services and procedures that impact the condition of skin that you really cannot know the true results that the highly marketed products will bring. The positive side of the situation is that there are constant and ever evolving advances in skin care and we all have the option for our skin condition improving with age.

If you are looking for a skin care program, there are some guidelines you may want to consider when making your skin care choices:

Protect your skin while you are in the sun and extreme weather. Use proper protection.

Drink lots of water. It's so important for proper skin hydration and keeping your body clean from toxins and other chemicals that could cause adverse reactions in your skin.

You should know what you are using on your skin. If you can't pronounce the majority of the ingredients or there are more than 5 or 6 ingredients, then it may be too complex for what your skin actually needs. Skin care that uses these types of formulations are full of fillers, coloring, preservatives, and chemicals that are not beneficial for your skin and come with a high price where the consumer is paying for the filler more so than the active ingredients. These types of ingredients are only needed to fill up the bottle and make it appealing to smell or touch. Sometimes products will contain multiple active ingredients but in order to formulate these ingredients, it requires that other ingredients be added. You end up paying for something your skin cannot use. The cheaper ingredients are filling up the bottle. Try a similar approach to how you would choose your food (skin is 'live cells' and needs nourishment). Watch the labels and choose products with skin healthy formulations where the active ingredients are 80% of the ingredients.

You should use a good and effective cleanser. This is the most important step in your skin care process. Many cleansing products do not leave your skin feeling smooth and deeply cleansed. Find a product that goes deep into the pores, provides light exfoliation and conditioning, and does not leave any residue. Applying moisturizers and treatments on top of skin that is not completely clean will just make the problem worse by clogging pores and showing a rough, uneven skin texture.

You should be able to adjust your program to meet your skin's daily needs. If you can't adjust the use of the products to match what your skin needs on a particular day, are you really getting what you need? Your program should be able to hydrate, heal, and renew your skin. You should see this gradual improvement everyday and not have to wait 30 to 60 days for results. It's like watering a plant. A plant that needs water as a critical nutrient will respond immediately to the water being absorbed through its roots and perk up within a few hours. Watch your skin for a week or so and you'll know how effective the program can ultimately be for your skin care needs.

You should be able to quickly go through your regime. It should not take more than 5 minutes. A skin care program should include the steps to cleanse, exfoliate, treat and/or moisturize. You should be able to pick and choose what you need based on you skin's current condition for that day.

You should not be able to feel the product on your skin. In order for skin care to really be effective, it must penetrate the skin cells. Product sitting on top of your skin is product that is not penetrating the skin layers. Products with fillers and other unnecessary, complex formulations will may not get deep or directly enough to provide the treatment and results you are looking for. You should not know that you are wearing your skin care.

You should feel comfortable with makeup optional skin. If your skin care is really working, your skin will improve and you will not want to put makeup on it if you don't have to. Most skin problems are correctable to a large degree. You should be able to go out feeling confident that your skin is at its best (with minimal makeup) no matter what your age is. Also, by using makeup less, you are giving your skin more time to repair and restore itself without the interruption of other product chemicals on your skin.

by Karen Reiter

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Why Most of Women Don't Exercise

We always know that doing regular exercise is playing important role to gain a healthy life. But study shows that many women do not exercise regularly and the reasons why women don't exercise are lack of time, energy and support!
The survey of 120 women ages 35 to 60 found that 59 percent felt that family commitments often kept them from exercising, while nearly as many said they were “just too lazy” to exercise. Still, half of the women thought that if they had more encouragement to make lifestyle changes, they might be able to do it.
After reading this

So, the best way to exercise regularly, women have to do it with friends or joining workout class to keep them motivated. How do you think?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Alcohol and Mouth Cancer

Are you a heavy smoker? Are you a heavy drinker? Or maybe you are both heavy smoker and heavy drinker? Then, be aware of mouth cancer, that is led by a lifestyle of heavy drinking and smoking. Current statistic shows that nearly 4,500 people developed mouth cancer in UK and 1,600 people killed by mouth cancer in UK only - a bigger amount than contribution of cervical cancer and testicular cancer put together.

Many people are not aware that alcohol is the second biggest risk factor after tobacco that play important role in causing mouth cancer. Above four small glasses of wine, the risk of mouth cancer will increase linearly with the amount of alcohol consumed.

Recognising the signs of mouth cancer early can help in mouth cancer treatment. Below are the symptoms of mouth cancer for your easy reference:
  • an ulcer or sore in mouth
  • a red or white patch in mouth
  • an unexplained pain in mouth or ear
  • an unexplained lump in neck
  • a sore or painful throat
  • a croaky voice or difficulty swallowing
Prevent yourself from mouth cancer by quitting smoking and drinking alcohol in moderation before it's too late!

Read the
'Sugary snacks' here points to foods or drinks that taste sweet, not artificially sweetened, not low-calorie or sugar-substitute variety.
Yvonne Ulrich-Lai, a psychiatrist who led the study, said: "Glucocorticoids help an individual survive and recover from stress, but have been linked to increased abdominal obesity and decreased immune function when produced in large amounts."

She said the findings could be of use in reducing human stress levels, from physical causes such as illness or injury, or psychological causes such as public speaking or coping with the death of a loved one.

Dr Ulrich-Lai added: "Finding another way to affect the body's response to stress and limit glucocorticoid production could alleviate some of these dangerous health effects."

Dr Ulrich-Lai said sweets, especially those made from sugar rather than artificial sweeteners, might be the answer.
But it's important to remember that simply consuming sweets or sugary snacks will reduce the symptoms of stress because there are many factors involved in stress and consuming excessive of sugary snacks is not recommended. You should always add it into your diet and balancing with plenty of fruits, vegetables and certain amount of protein and fat.

1) Anaerobic Exercise

If you think you can just run laps or pedal that fat away, think again. Muscle tissue is what burns the most calories in our bodies and you need to life weights in order to create bigger muscles that will burn more calories. Now although aerobic exercises such as cycling or swimming are also necessary, the fact remains that building bigger muscles is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. This is because you are creating a more efficient calorie burning machine by lifting weights which will ensure you success with your weight loss goals.

2) Warm-up and Cool Down

Warming up before exercising and taking the time to cool down afterwards with some light exercises are not generally seen as essential to a fat burning program. However, the reason why a lot of people tend to give up on their weight loss goals is because they failed to see the progress they hoped for when they began. An injury, even one that only lasts for a few days, can set your weight loss goals back by weeks and lead to a loss of stimulation. You need to plan an extra twenty minutes into your weight lifting routine for these two essential activities or you risk injury and derailing your weight loss plan.

3) Diet, Diet, Diet

This should not be a killer way to maximize your weight loss goals but it is. The reason for this is because people tend to think of losing weight in two ways: diet, or exercise. Hey, these two go hand in hand and you are never going to maximize your fat burning routine in the gym unless you take care of your body outside of the gym. Stop thinking of meals in terms of three: instead, think 5 meals with smaller portions. The FDA recently developed a new food pyramid with this very idea in mind and you should check it out before starting your fat burning program because it can save you a lot of time and energy if you get the diet part figured out before even stepping into the gym.

4) Plan Workouts

The body is the most complex machine on the planet and you can’t just hope to step into a gym and jump on a machine or some weights and think that you are going to see the results you want without knowing how they affect your body. The ideal exercise routine is done only 3 or 4 times per week and only for 30-45 minutes at a time. You cannot work your body more than this because it will actually cause your muscles to break down which means you will be burning fewer calories, and therefore, not maximizing your fat burning routine in the gym. If you have any doubts about what kind of routine is ideal for your goals, don’t be afraid to consult an physical trainer to help you set up a program that is best suited for you.

5) Nutritional Supplements

If you really want to maximize your fat burning routine in the gym, then you need to consider using nutritional supplements. Now I am not talking about those crazy supplements that promise to burn fat for you while you sit and watch tv! I am talking about essential fatty acids, amino acids, whey protein….things that will truly maximize your workouts that you can’t always expect to get in the foods you eat every day. Again, consult a physical trainer if you want to know which supplements are best for your weight loss goals.

6) Set Weekly Goals

I know that this just seems terribly obvious but the truth is that most people are not thrilled with the idea of working out so it is easy for them to skip a session or indulge in some pizza and think that they will make up for it next time. Listen, next time never comes and when you stop seeing the scales go down, the motivation just seems to stop. By setting weekly goals, you can track your progress and make it that much more likely that you will adhere to the goals when you see things are not going as expected.

7) No More Late Night Snacks

This one may not seem to make sense, but I assure you that it will help maximize your fat burning exercises. The reason is your metabolism. When you eat right before you go to bed, it throws your body off and you probably notice that you awaken and don’t feel hungry. Then, you skip breakfast entirely or only snack on a bagel or something on you way into work.

The result: the body goes into conservation mode. This means that it slows down your metabolism and that means you are burning less calories throughout the day. Plus, it increases the likelihood of snacking and basically just sets the scene for a bad cycle. Eating five smaller portioned meals per day also has to do with your metabolism as it has been found that metabolism remains highest when there is a consistent supply of food in the body. You might not believe that late night snacking affects the way your body burns fat when working out, but it does.

Now some of the things listed above are obvious while some just seem silly. And yet, taken together and consistently adhered to, these 7 little ideas will maximize your fat burning in the gym and get you to that body you can see in your mind but not the mirror far quicker than if you just go about things in a disorganized and inconsistent manner.

o Hot Flashes - Hot flashes are one of the most common symptoms for women during menopause. Hot flashes can last up to 6 minutes and can potentially occur several times within one day.

Herbal Remedy – Black Cohosh (also known as squaw root, black snake root or rattle weed) has been studied and is proven as a reputable treatment for hot flashes.

o Insomnia – Many women experiencing menopausal symptoms also have difficulty sleeping. If you suffer from sleeplessness on a regular basis, you probably suffer from chronic insomnia.

Herbal Remedies – Kava (or Kawa) is used throughout the world as a remedy for anxiety and insomnia. Other remedies proven effective for treating insomnia and sleeplessness are Valerian root and HOPS.

o Depression and Mood Swings – Although most people joke about women becoming depressed and moody during menopause, these symptoms are very serious and if not treated properly can become dangerous and harmful.

Herbal Remedy – St. John’s Wart (also known as goat weed) has proven to be an affective antidepressant in reversing the feelings of depression which many menopausal women experience.

o Abnormal Hair Growth – Abnormal hair growth (also called hirsuitism) is perhaps one of the most embarrassing symptoms for women suffering from menopause. Abnormal hair growth can occur anywhere, although above the upper lip is usually a common target.

Herbal Remedy – Saw Palmetto (also known as Serenoa repens or windmill palm) is used for treating men with enlarged prostates as well as for women who are experiencing abnormal hair growth during menopause.

Menopause is a difficult time for every woman, but every woman must face it at some point. Approaching menopause with a positive attitude has been proven to reduce the likeliness of some menopausal symptoms like depression and anxiety. Researching remedies and treatments is the best way to prepare for this stage of your life. This way, when it does happen, you’re aware of what to expect and the best ways to deal with it.

A State of Harmony

The profound relaxation available through yoga includes a state of clarity of mind, and of harmony with and understanding of the world. If such a state of relaxation is your goal, you will need to use most of the yoga techniques available. Pay special attention to breathing, diet, correctly performing the exercises, and meditating.

The deep, prolonged breath one learns through yoga helps the brain stay oxygenated, which contributes to mental clarity. Diet influences the structure of our body as well as our brain. The exercises (called asanas and pranayamas) were developed thousands of years ago to produce beneficial results.

To have the desired effects, yoga routines must be carried out correctly. Poor yoga practices will likely produce disappointing results.

The Keys

Your attitude and your focus are the keys to making your yoga experience deeply satisfying. Entering the profound stage of relaxation and synchronization between your inner and your outer self can occur only with appropriate action.

Relaxation is actually a necessary part of every yoga routine. The body needs to relax after practicing the exercises, especially the more demanding ones. Certain asanas require an unusual positioning of the body, which can result in discomfort if the relaxation stage is omitted.

Bridging Worlds

Yoga connects the spiritual and material worlds, and relaxation is the bridge that brings the practitioner back fully to the present reality.

As a general rule, during relaxation exercises, you will lie down comfortably and meditate. Your yoga trainer will suggest ways for you to gradually move and position your feet and arms. Yoga routines may have different relaxation exercises, but they all have the purpose of cushioning the shock of contact with the surrounding reality. Relaxation also helps to maintain a certain degree of peacefulness created by the routine.

But talk is never enough. The only way to be sure of the relaxation benefits of yoga is to try it yourself. The only thing you have to lose is your tension.

L-Tyrosine supplementation is especially needed among hard training athletes and obese or those significantly overweight.

Low levels of l-tyrosine have bee associated with low body temperature, low blood pressure, underactive thyroid, and depression.

L-tyrosine has many important roles in the body. Bodybuilders favor it because l-tyrosine helps alleviate stress and fatigue that comes from intense training, retain muscular protein, and increase energy levels. L-tyrosine helps with stamina enameling athletes to workout for longer periods of time.

L-tyrosine also has been useful for a treatment for cocaine abuse and withdraw. Some using l-tyrosine have also said that it helps with withdraw from caffeine and nicotine.

Those who suffer from phenylketonuria use l-tyrosine supplementation as a treatment. Health care providers are able to determine if your need a tyrosine enriched diet and how much would be required.

Regarding l-tyrosine supplementation in those who are depressed more studies are needed in order to come to a conclusion if l-tyrosine can benefit those who suffer from depression.

People with kidney problems should not take l-tyrosine. Daily use is also not recommended. L-tyrosine should only be taken as needed and under the supervision on a health care provider.

Medication is the most frequent form of treatment outside of individual lifestyle choices. However, there are a wide variety of drug types used to treat high blood pressure and they each approach the problem in a unique fashion. A physician will prescribe the type of drug best suited for the needs of the individual patient.


A diuretic is a medication that reduces the amount of water and sodium in the blood. The reduction in water helps to reduce the overall pressure on the walls of the blood vessels and as a result lower the overall blood pressure. A diuretic is usually prescribed in addition to another type of medication as opposed to being used a sole treatment by itself. Diuretics are often called “water pills” and the physician may refer to them as such.


Beta blocks work to reduce the heart rate and lower the blood pressure by inhibiting the bodies “fight / flight” response. Essentially a beta-blocker blocks the ability of epinephrine and norepinephrine to stimulate the sympathetic nervous system. This action prevents the increased heart rate and high blood pressure, which is a direct result of that stimulation. The beta-blockers prescribed for high blood pressure have a calming effect and give the person a greater tolerance for stress.


Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, or ACE Inhibitors, as they are commonly known helped to reduce blood pressure by preventing the hormone Angiotensin II from forming. Angiontensin II normally constricts the blood vessels as well as acting on the brain to increase the need for salt and hydration.


Angiontensin antagonists target the same hormone as ACE inhibitors, described above. However, rather than inhibiting the production of Angiotensin II it blocks its effect on the cells of the heart and blood vessels. These medications are also referred to as ARB’s, which stands for angiotensin receptor blockers. This is a newer type of medication which helps to modulate the renin-angiotensin system which has a big role in maintaining the bodies overall blood pressure and the volume of blood in the body.


This class of medications reduce the overall level of calcium in the heart which in turn reduces the blood pressure since the level of calcium dictates the force with which the heart pumps blood. Individuals with a weak heart (cardiomyopathy) are advised to not take a calcium channel blocker.


Alpha-blockers bring blood pressure lower by limiting the nerve impulses sent to the blood vessels, which allows the blood to pass more freely. Whereas the beta-blockers affect the heart to decrease blood pressure, the Alpha-blockers affect the blood vessels.


The Alpha-Beta class of drugs combines the effects of both the Alpha-blockers and the Beta-blockers, and thereby bring about lower blood pressure. See the descriptions for both to understand how they work.


Nervous system inhibitors work at the level of the brain as opposed to the circulatory system. Essentially this class of drugs reduces the nerve impulses sent the blood vessels thereby allowing them to be more relaxed which results in lower blood pressure.


A vasodilator works similar to many of the other drugs by relaxing the blood vessels and as a result lowering blood vessels. However, these medicines do not target the hormones or the heart directly. There are a large variety of these types of drugs and they act in different ways.

1. Tell your doctor if you get side effects from treatment

You can't expect the possibility of relief from side effects if you do not share them with your doctor. Be sure to communicate with your doctor. Some people keep a health journal during and after treatment to improve the information you have to present to your doctor if problems arise more gradually. Discuss what you might keep in a health journal that might improve the effectiveness of your treatment.

2. Ask your doctor before you take any other medicine

All drugs operate by manipulating some normal cell function. This includes the chemotherapy drugs as well. These manipulations may conflict with the intended effects of your chemotherapy treatment. Even herbals, or an over the counter pain reliever can lead to unintended consequences. Always inform your doctor before taking any other medications.

3. Take care of your health

There are many things you can do to support the natural ability of your body to restore, protect and defend itself from the effects of injury and disease. Seek to improve your diet, find ways to reduce other sources of stress in your life and be thankful for the hope and opportunity you have because of your treatment. These things can have a remarkable affect on your body and your feeling of good health.

4. Talk about your feelings

These are stressful times. Don't keep your feelings bottled up. People you know and love are probably feeling stress too. Help each other by being open about what you are going through. By being open with others, you can feel more in control of the stress and trepidation you’re feeling, instead of those things being in control of you.

Self-help can never take the place of professional health care. Ask your doctor and nurse any questions you may have about chemotherapy. Also don't hesitate to tell them about any side effects you may have. They want and need to know.

In some cases, family and friends feel insecure regarding your plans to lose weight and thus may begin practicing various tactics that are aimed at de-railing your diet plans. They may complain about the amount of time that you spend working out; deliberately schedule other activities that conflict with your scheduled exercise times; shower you with tempting and fattening foods and in the worst case scenarios make pointed observations that you don’t look as though you’ve lost weight or make predictions that you will just gain all the weight you’ve lost right back.

Usually; this type of tactic stems from the fact that the other person is suddenly afraid that your change in lifestyle may affect your relationship with them. This is especially true in relationships concerning husbands/wives and other romantic partners. There may be a very real concern present that you will begin to notice others when you become slim.

In other cases, the tactics employed from those closest to you may not result from insecurities but rather from lack of knowledge. They simply may not recognize that offering that one teensy slice of chocolate cake could set you back an entire week in your diet plans. Or perhaps they truly do not realize the health risks those extra pounds are presenting to you.

This type of behavior from those closest to us can be disheartening when we are already feeling vulnerable. Fortunately, there are several tactics you can use to withstand even the worst tactics friends and family may throw your way in order to sabotage your diet.

First, never accuse friends/family of the obvious tactics they are using. Instead, explain how much it means to you to lose weight and become healthier. Try to turn this into a way to spend more time together and bond by asking them to be your weight loss buddy. Not only will this provide the back-up support you need, but it will help to eliminate the feelings of insecurity they are experiencing as you begin to reveal your new, slimmer body.

When friends and family express judgmental feelings; the first thing you should do is realize that these statements are more about their own feelings of inadequacies. Try not to take it personally. Instead, focus on the fact that you are doing something healthy for yourself.

Be sure to let those closest to you know the guidelines for your diet. In some cases, what appears to be sabotage could simply be the result of not having enough information. If you find that certain areas are especially weak points for you; clue your family and friends in so that they can help you to meet your weight loss goals.

Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn. When you reach a milestone in your diet, let everyone know about and see how happy you are in your own success. Chances are that when family/friends see your enthusiasm and happiness, they will be much more likely to provide the support you need.

Finally, while it’s great to try to introduce your family and friends to a healthier way of living and eating; do realize that no one wants to be lectured to. Toward that end, work together on family meal plans and get-togethers so that everyone is satisfied with the choices offered.

There is no one right way to take a sauna. Above all, you should be in good company, so that you can enjoy the experience in peace. Beginning users should use the sauna judiciously to start. As long as you feel comfortable, you may stay in the sauna, or repeat a hot-cold cycle as often as you wish. Avoid using a sauna if you have a fever or an inflammatory disease or injury, if you are pregnant, or if you have been drinking. You may want to consult your physician if you have a disease, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, asthma or skin disease. Though it's interesting to know that sauna usage doesn't seem to harm billion plus people all across the globe.

To get the most of the sauna, you will need; At least half an hour of time, preferably more, so you have ample time to relax, a large towel to dry yourself, a smaller towel to sit on, a bathrobe to wear while cooling down.

Enjoying a sauna is a personal thing; you should always listen to your body and do as you feel best. You should not remain inside longer than 30 minutes at a time. If there is a pounding or feeling of faintness, the person must leave the heated room and sit quietly. Drinking water with electrolytes would prove helpful also as well as fresh fruit juice.

After cooling down for a few minutes, go into the sauna again and stay a bit longer. When you feel like having another break, feel free to do so.

Finally shower to clean yourself from the sweat. Avoid using soap as soap leaves a film and clogs the pores. Wash off the sweat with a skin brush or loofa. Brush all over, even face and hair. Painful at first, it soon feels wonderful. Brushing enhances the cleansing effect. Shampoo and conditioner contain chemicals toxic to the body so use only if needed.

Allow yourself to cool and dry properly before clothing yourself. This allows time to eliminate dead cells and other debris.

Follow the sauna with a peaceful rest and a drink. Drink mineralized water before and after the sauna. Make sure the bowels move regularly, as sauna therapy will increase elimination.

As you become healthier, you will sweat more easily. Also, to heat up the sauna will take longer. The body dissipates heat more efficiently and fewer cellular toxins are there to be removed. Results are much better when saunas are part of an integrated program. The latest resource is an ebook guide called "The Sauna and Steam Bath Guide", by Sylita Thomas.

The basic goal is to enjoy and relax, and sweat. It's a simple, uncomplicated pleasure, to which nobody is exempt from access. So never mind the mysticism: just remember you've only one duty in the sauna and that's to enjoy it.

Swallowing Bleach

Standard tooth bleaching kits come with a mouth tray that may not fit snugly, which can result in the bleaching agent leaking. This can lead to ingestion of the bleaching agent, and it can also seep onto and irritate gum tissue.


All current tooth whitening products use peroxide to make your teeth white, even the laser using 'light-enhanced bleaching'; the lasers simply make the peroxides penetrate more deeply.

Peroxide, and other chemicals present in the bleach, can damage gum tissue and even cause nerve damage to the tissues inside the tooth pulp. They can also increase tooth sensitivity to cold and heat, and cause tooth decay and even tooth loss.

30 Times the Concentration

In Europe, an upper limit for peroxides in oral products has been set at 0.1 percentby weight. The United States, however, allows for 30 times that concentration. Many countries no longer allow the tooth bleaching products commonly used in the United States.

Man Health Magazine Online

Dr. Mercola's Comment:Teeth whitening is the most requested cosmetic procedure performed in this country. Coffee, tobacco, some foods and especially medications (which are the worst offenders) can stain or permanently damage your teeth.

There are many different types of whitening formulas that contain a variety of solutions and technologies. Hydrogen peroxide is not my first choice because it can cause sensitivity.

Hydrogen peroxide forms radical intermediates -- extremely unstable and destructive molecules -- that break down into water and oxygen. The freeradical intermediates react with the pigments that stain your teeth and destroy and can also damage your gums and nerves.

If you havegum disease, receding gums or allergies, you should avoid bleaching untilyour condition has been properly treated.

You will want to consider the different formulas and make an informed andconscious choice with your doctor. You can avoid potentially serious toxicity and injuries to your teeth andgums if you follow these guidelines.

Given all the possible dangerous effects of tooth bleaching, itis probably not your best choice. There are, however, other methods that can be used on stained teeth.

Tooth veneers are one alternative option to bleaching. Veneers are thin coverings made of porcelain that are bonded to your teeth. Though they won't stain, they are not as long-lasting as real teeth.

by Joseph Mercola

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